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Showing posts from July, 2005

bagai Malam Qadar..

ripple again dibdib slept on our way home..lovey got the urgency to go tired and thinking of joining dibdib sajer. But tell myself better to do isyak first .. lepas isyak, teringat pulak that it was mlm jumaat. lun capai surah yasin but hmmm.. tulisan kecik sangat. Tergerak to get the Quran yg lovey hadiahkan waktu wedding dulu .. jarang sekali lun gunakan Quran tuu.. it was refreshing to be able to mengaji especially after that monday nite hantu story, i think the house need something lah or maybe it just me, being a "penakut" i keep on imagining stuff around the house *hump*. (jimi if u read this, now u know why i avoid watching ghost movie). I realised terlalu banyak surah that ive not been reading. swaying to nowhere... lepas mengaji, i panjatkan doa semoga apa yg dibaca tadi dapat menjadi pahala utk dihadiahkan kepada junjungan besar .. para anbiya', sahabat, ulama', ayah ibu, datuk nenek, moyang, uncle (i keep on seeing lelaki yg ad...
sunrise - sesegar senyuman walkthrulife a fren of mine merungut abt Punjangga Malam (PM). lun ketawa ajer.. than she said, i know u like him. "Like" him?? i like Siti Nisdawati Nordin aka WatiMary aka Nyah jugak, not ok meh?? Anyway si PM ni regular caller kat radio ria macam watimary jugak. But PM SMSes selalu buat orang marah cos dia suka sangkal apa yg orang cakap.. i have no problem with his opinion everyone is entitle to it. DJ Shah pun don't mind jugak. Infact, i think Shah pun share the same opinion hehehe. I wonder apalah zodiac si PM ni .. suka nah buat onak hehehe hopefully he's not a virgo hihihihi.... last tuesday i put a toll free helpline in my blog and kak Enigma email me to vent out her frustration - I was glad. Long time dinch hear from her.. some people looking for job and those yg ada kerja pulak kene kerja *mampush mampush* what's happening ni?? anyway, later that day she called me hehehe... suara very the vokal si akak ni tau. Katanya raya ...
looking at each other, enjoying the moment  Wahai pujangga cinta Biar membelai indah Telaga di kalbuku Jujurlah pada hatimu - ada apa denga cinta dah lama tak dengar lagu nih, seronok bila dengar tadi pagi kat radio.. teringat rangga dan mukanye yg masam tapi handsome!! hehe ______________________________ Aku tak percaya lagi akan apa yg kau beri Aku terdampar disini tersudut menunggu mati Aku tak percaya lagi akan guna matahari Yang dulu mampu terangi sudut gelap hati ini - berhenti berharap eh, one after another, pagi ni lagu mencuit jiwa betul lah.. i stop from whatever i was doing and take a moment to sit sambil mendengar lagu ini. Tersenyum jab sebab teringatkan Adren dan zaman hibanya .. adehhhh lepas tuu teringat kroll gak. This is the song that lead him to Watts_in. ______________________________ baru baru ni masa baca newspaper, lun terbaca satu nama ... i was telling myself maybe i should write abt it in my blog. I should call it: Me and him: Almost a love story masa tu ...
ironi this friday is john last day here.. ah! another "kaki" leaving. Im giving him a treat today.. nice fellow lah my "little bro" cuma ada sikit tak menyabar and kelang kabut. He got a job in london, hehe what a perfect time john! get a bicycle and avoid the subway dude.. its raining season (maybe) .. ah! a perfect time to listen to Anuar Zain. His "keabadian cinta" sounded so perfect. Who am i thingking of right now hmmm... no one in perticular actually, oh ok i found someone at the back of my mind, an ol'fren Helmy. He used to tell me rainy day makes him horny. I can gelak riang ria now thinking abt his seducing tectics. hehehehe... anyway, am bizi again.. with project. Creating on-line forms again ... reading the java script again. last nite i watched a ghost story based on true story on tv. Actually, most of the time i was hiding behind my pillow and am still scare to death. This morning while showering pun teringat jugak ... *no good - no go...

am currently reading this (for once it's not Sandra Brown!)

the curious incident of the dog in the night-time by Mark Haddon hey guess what, my first book from our very own Brand New National Library!!! It was officially opened last friday.
refleksi i must be dead tired that's why i didn't even know that lovey decided to go work on saturday , i remembered he covered dibdib and me with comforter .. am too lazy to open my eyes and that's it. Wait! no kiss??? hmmm... today love's quote says: A man's kiss is his signature ... so lovey what happen uh?? (as if he's reading this blog!) There was NDP full rehersal last saturday, so we travelled to the 5stars hotel by public transport ajer. Thank God we were late... dun mind missing the speech by the 'peanut butter's ol man' at all cos what happend outside was so much better!! i got to see the aircrafts showing off its flying skills uhhhh!! fantastic and those man in uniforms.. marching infront of me!!! Selalu tengok kat tv sajer but this time around ... am so glad!! glad to able to experience part of our national day parade. Back in the hotel, pak polisi were everywhere hmmm... a thot cross my mind; why i never bring ibuk along?? May...

THis oNe foR the CreW

is that u captain in that singapura hotel? penat koyak rabak. thats how i feel right now. yesterday came back after midnight .. still sempat tengok One Tree Hill. Pagi nie all 3 liat nak bangun .. ugghhhh really looking forward for weekend i do hope i get to rest and relex @ home. And at the same time am still waiting for my good fren to pay me her monthly visit. *pening* These days my feet selalu sakit kalau banyak jln and carry heavy stuff. The pain is so teruk..don't tell me its another case of wear and tear. Am with my flat shoes not but it still happening. I have this habit of buying grocerries without lovey, without him i can buy more stuff but the carrying part is terrible. Nilah nasib orang tak tau drive.. kene walk walk walk pain pain pain and pain.. few days back, my feet terus jam tak leh gerak and im in the middle of the road. Uhh giler.. don't dare to tell lovey abt it .. i die if he knows. ______________________________ Smlm Captain buat gempak Br...

LOOK @ THE BRIGHT SIDE (tho' hari selalu hujan..)

together under the heat there's some kindda of unhealthy virus going around. It's making us all falling apart.. not so close, not so cheerful and very little interection. Hmmm... its kindda " life in Mono " thingy. Deng!! Remember the song by Dido .. and the movie Ethen Hawke and Gyewneth Paltrow (souuuoooowww in my fav. movie list). _________________________ Sorry for the side track as i was saying... my everyday people smua dah tak bersemangat. Kenapa yek?? maybe this is how it works yeah? tapi jgn sampai lupa, blog adalah milik sendirik bukan milik orang so bila terasa nak menulis silakan lah ke venue yg sedia ada. Uh, btw am so damn freaking secarstic these days.. *bahaya* mungkin kerana kurang rehat & tidur kot. Entahlah.. i have to watch for my words. its damn freezing here in the office, am all wrap with my winter jacket. Giler kan?? agaknya kalau lama dok sini jadi bekulah lunacy. Am hungry lah.. tadi makan sekeping roti prata instant (roti canai) d...
boredpuck! Dlm negeri hmm semakin hari semakin menyampah lagi meluat aku dibuatnya dengan benda2 yg berkaitan dgn NKF. Bila cek puan goh kata apa yg cek durai tu dapat are just peanut.. am furious!! haha$25k a mth + 12mths bonus, business class flight .. urrgghh!! peanut kedodol dia lah. ok i figured the management are answerable for all that tapi tak pun..instead CEO dia smua letak jawatan..ahhh too many red tapes lah tu. aku dah fikir semasak mungkin, my monthly contribution is not peanut to me. Am not rich sg tai-tai. Im all set to take my name off the NKF contribution. Going for my D&D this saturday. malas sungguh tahun ni nak pergi. Up till now pun blum sure what to wear.. malas nak beli yg baru so tadi gie passed my baju to fifi (adek's bf), i mintak tolong mak dia do bit of alteration to the baju. Hope it can be done before saturday. budget beb! so tadi lepas passed the baju i took train and singgah ke bugis junction. tengok2 kasut.. Am glad kasut yg i suka tak de size ...
silly cat what's happening around the blog world?? let me seee... first of all, sorry enigma i salah bulan. Its Aug eh.. what the hell am i thinking?? i sincerely thot its aug now *shesh* ok, shall remember to pray for you when the times come.. 16 Aug hor... smlm lagik wtl dah sms lun tanya what wrong with cekya's blog .. masa lun pergi it was ok .. entah lah bila cekya tutup and mengapa. Let us all check cekya's tree type maybe ketemu jawapan hehehe sorry Su but i wish you choose to talk to us instead. Anyway, i hope ur find peace with ur heart. Pray to Him .. He will guide u dearie. am glad, wtl now dah start being selfish. Yup, for once wtl, think of urself dear.. rest well bila ada time. to awan .. TakeCare of urself heard am gonna get a new pc in the office. am all excited abt it hehe.. my AO said maybe next mth am gonna get it. hehehe my b'day month!!!

kejaP dah moNday

time checked i can't believe it its Monday again. didn't rest much at all and my feet all sore (reading: lengoh). Friday nite was a nite to watch MI. Becaush of our fren little secret history hehehe - secret ke?? As usual, the ladies showed their talent well with good voices, image or stuff like that. Whot happen to the male contestants?? i just find out that Daniel was among the top3. errrrr... Daniel tu cute sajer suara like a mouse lah and i find his diction teruk. Tak paham pun apa dia nyanyi (maybe bangsa dia banyak yg vote kottt). Kalau nak ikut kan perasaan, i prefer Farish hehehe.. he got a rocker voice (ala ala bush) tapi sayang lagu yg dia pilih sungguh tak se-suay for MI !! After so many times of watching Idols .. i wonder why contestants likes to sing based on songs that they like and not what suits their voice best. Last two weeks, i was kindda disappointed that ash and ejay got voted .. cian kan si adam. ( lun confuse lah between adam and azam, but i noe satu c...

cakap cakap sajer..

bual kosong: its friday afterall said tatot.. yeah hor nak marah-marah pun tak dtgkan faedah.. menambah kedut di muka tu adelah. jom kita santai2 sambil menghirup udara nyaman hujung minggu. . . . some of us need a break, here's a kitkat hehe last nite after jotting down my frustration i went straight to bed. Terasa semacam punyer geram (yg tak bertempat) dgn lovey. Pagi ni, terlambat bangun lagik so macam lipas kudung kita bersiap sebab need to be out of the house by 6 but we only left the house 15 mins after 6. Cian aku tengok lovey tapi apasal aku sampai hati sengaja tak mau bangun dulu .. sebab: aku geram. (ni lah emosi wanita yg aku tak berkenan tapi aku susah nak lari sebab aku pun wanita jugak kah?? kah kah kah) oh yeah to those Desperate Housewives fanatics..u guys gonna see more idiotic stupid unnecessary (but make sense to women) kindda thinggy in the series *shesh!!!* tadi lun dengar suara izad exist terasa besh jugak.. tak lah mendayu cam abg Kuah but still ...

come share your tree with me (Pine)

Find your birth date and then find your tree. This is really cool and somewhat accurate. Awan (poplar), Wtl & i_mshe (maple), Tatot(chestnut), cekya(ash), Enigma (cedar),Adren (pine), Danny(weeping willow?), kroll(lime) Dec 23 to Jan 01 Apple Tree Jan 01 to Jan 11 Fir Tree Jan 12 to Jan 24 Elm Tree Jan 25 to Feb 03 Cypress Tree Feb 04 to Feb 08 Poplar Tree Feb 09 to Feb 18 Cedar Tree Feb 19 to Feb 28 Pine Tree Mar 01 to Mar 10 Weeping Willow Tree Mar 11 to Mar 20 Lime Tree Mar 21 (only) Oak Tree Mar 22 to Mar 31 Hazelnut Tree Apr 01 to Apr 10 Rowan Tree Apr 11 to Apr 20 Maple Tree Apr 21 to Apr 30 Walnut Tree May 01 to May 14 Poplar Tree May 15 to May 24 Chestnut Tree May 25 to Jun 03 Ash Tree Jun 04 to Jun 13 Hornbeam Tree Jun 14 to Jun 23 Fig Tree Jun 24 (only) Birch Tree Jun 25 to Jul 04 Apple Tree Jul 05 to Jul 14 Fir Tree Jul 15 to Jul 25 Elm Tree Jul 26 to Aug 04 Cypress Tree Aug 05 to Aug 13 Poplar Tree Aug 14 to Aug 23 Cedar Tree Aug 24 to Sep 02 Pine Tree Sep 03 to Sep 12 ...


am pissed .. damn pissed. i can't sleep cos am just damn pissed. right now am trying very hard to make peace with myself. hahahaha... susah lah looking at myself, naturally am a kind person. Happy to help within my boundary but when anyone messed with my plan i got pissed. Yeah, thats me the real me. I doubt this is lunacy speaking. this is the voice of urs truly. Damn!!! i should be in bed 12.58am


lun trying to get ova her headche it wasn't the first time and i think it's getting too often now.. i ova slept again. tak dengar pun alarm clock bunyi.. uhhhh i don't think boss will be that happy cos i keep on taking urgent leave. uhuk uhuk uhuk.. i need to watch my back.. need to be careful abt this... oh gosh!! i got HEAD-ACHE!!! ( wtl , am joining ur club) coffee tak help pun.. sleepy lagi ni.. watsup with me uh?? yesterday after work i gie shopping macam orang kaya .. hmm very bad of me but i just love shopping once a while like this.. tho i know am suppose to do lots of saving. I bought a very lovely pink bag. Its not the typical pink.. and not the langerie pink either.. its kindda pinkish with bit of orangy kot.. entah lah but obvioustly not peachy ... And i bought a pink top to match the bag for the night. The purple flowers was lovely.. it attract many attention. The graduation thinggy dah ova. It was sweet memory and adek just created a landmark for our...

ABC of life

ABC of life.. flower power: ive ordered a bouquet of purples roses for adek, her convo is @ 8 tonite in university cultural center (UCC??). me and adek selalu salah faham. She lives up to her zodiac most of the time, being a geminian is a pain-in the neck. uurrrgghh!!! But give us few days and everything is back to normal. Kehendak alam agaknye.. btw there's only the 2 of us in the family so kalau tak baik ape pulak kan?? kecian ibuk.. wear and tear: smlm lovey went for his medical review for his leg and the doctor (a specialist) told him its a wear and tear kindda thing. huh??? kenapa pulak it sounded like some disposable item yeah?? and he brought back a medium size plastic bag consist of medicine. yucks!! am so much wanted to bring him to see a chinese physician.. who knows it might help?? i hope i'll manage to sweet talk him.. my wish list: right now, am thinking of buying a pink bag and a pink shoe lah.. (cekya will sure to faham .. and tatot will sure to h...

everybody has a dirty little secret

desperate housewives ast nite @10 ch 5 showed the last episode of Desperate Housewives . Am not all excited abt the show unlike lovey b'cos to me perempuan ni susah nak difahami. Too abstract that sometimes the unacceptable actions get a thumbs up by my own gender which left me with a question mark (?). While lovey, he enjoyed watching the show and lepas tu siap, he gonna get all worked up b'cos of what "the wives" did. Urggghhhhh!! At 10 last nite, i was in the kitchen buat mee goreng segera cos lovey lapar.. to ligo , am only married for 3 yrs and 7 mths ajer (baru jer tuu..). and this morning, lovey got stomach ache!!! did i doa or curse while siapkan makanan semalam???!! uitttt. I was late again to work. Wedding when she first started her primary 1 education, she cried most of the days cos she got no friend. I felt the responsibility to coax and find her some friends until she was ok on her own. (anyway, we are kindda related somehow). She's a smart girl ...

on a mission

r-e-f-l-e-k-s-i d-i-r-i ahh.. words keep on coming in my head but none sounds good to write. i guess certain things just has be kept secret and not meant to be read. But in short, am in love with lovey. Ah.. 10 yrs of besh frens and still hoping for more good yrs to come. ok, the story wasn't suppose to be written like above at all. im actually on a mission. a mission that comes within me, a self realization perhaps.. am all out to seduce lovey.. it has been going on for the past 2 weeks. i guess, thru experience teman2 i came to realise not to take things for granted. There were times when im too tired with work and entertaining dibdib, that lovey became my last priority. But these days.. things changed, moi make sure lovey sees the best in me. I make sure i look at the mirror more often .. which i dun usually. hehehe.. duno how long it gonna last but lets enjoy it dear while we can... (sounds better, now i hope my mind will rest) back to the same ol stories.. i watched Hou...


i received a surprise phone call yesterday. A male unfamiliar voice on the line (make's me wonder ??? hmmm) It was not a good time for any conversation cos lovey is right beside me and we were abt to get into my in-laws car... after identifying the caller, my mind was like "think fast, think quick, very quick, quickkkkk!!!" goodness those voices really pressed me to come out with a lie. A white lie i guess cam kata p.ramlee bohong sunnat. hehehe i told the caller the truth, its not a good time to talk tho i can here laughter from the other side of the phone.. but i had to hang up, and transformed myself to "me" and stop being "lunacy". Later on everything went well .. till i was alone with dibdib, who was busy watching Barney that ive decided to return the surprise call. It wasn't that easy, few times i tried but i didn't get thru.. its not that the line was busy but i just not sure which code to press. Finally after several times of punching ...
finally we talk its been 7 months is it? hmmm i tot i was longer than that. Ur not gonna lose me lah..dun worry.

our path in life

autumn in a jar There are two separate distinct paths in life - the good and the pleasant . Man is confronted with the choice of pursuing pleasant, as the name suggests, pleases, fascinates, and entices man one of these paths at every single moment of his life. The path of the to take it. It caters to man's sensual gratifications and therefore produces immediate pleasures. But ultimately these trifling satisfactions will putrefy into ripples of disappointments and sorrows. In striking contrast, the path of the good is detested by the mind in the beginning; however, since it is based on sound religious precepts and injunctions, it leads to greater happiness and a genuine sense of fulfilment. We are mature people who have tasted life and know the path that will lead to a fuller happiness. We must live these convictions. - Swami Chinmayananda this morning, abg khalil (my colleague, bodyguard & abg) aren't feeling well. he said he's going to see doc, rupanya he...

The three bears

teddy bear in the kitchen another sleepy day for me .. while getting ready for work, lovey sakit perut. ah! cam cekya semalam kot (cekya: hope u feeling ok now dear). so there u go.. perut yg memulas2 cam memberi izin utk lun tidak ke office. Woohoo!! now am monitoring dibdib, cos tadi he complain of tummy ache .. so menu for today will be "Chicken Porridge"! am watching Channel News Asia (CNA) on the IOC thinggy. Tadi sempat tengok presentation by MOSCOW. wow!! impressive sungguh! Later ada presentation by London plak ... ahhhh!! besh besh!! jemput dtg semua.. imshe, am just next block from where u are.. take care ya the rest... my tots with u all k

Happy Heart

in the dark: heart this morning jalan raya sibuk sekali.. polis berjaga2 disana sini. hmm i heard not all singaporean yg tahu wats happening around town hehehe well singapore jadi host for 117th IOC Session utk mencari tuan rumah pagi sukan Olympic 2012. Abg Raul (Real Madrid) udah sampai pun ke sini..and so do Backham and wife. Uhhh.. kecoh sana sini .. lagi kecoh ova lah this weekend, due to rehersal for National Day Parade. Smlm, me and adek gie shopping kat Taka. At last i belikan lovey Clinic for Men... and i told him "happy birthday father's day". its all ovedue gift lah.. knowing lovey yg selamba sajer i know he never harap for any gift. But i insisted on buying. itu pun i use the $100 voucher that i got masa wedding abt 3-4 yrs ago. Giler kan? thank God tak de expiry date .. hai kalau tidak ruginyer!! Smlm Desperate Housewives 2nd last episode.. at last i got to watch it without kene disturb cos dibdib dah tidur.. last week i missed cos dibdib keep on burying me w...
today is not a good monday. almost everything didn't work the way it suppose to be. It has nothing to do with monday blues at all it just that this monday am just so fuck up careless. Been having chest pain again.. hmm not a good sign. Some people died of chest pain.. goodness, is my time here yet? this morning sambil goreng nasi terdengar lagu selimut putih on the radio.. hari ni plak blog pun turn putih .. ??? am not having a good time at all .. i hope u didn't suffer the same fate as me. badong - if u happen to come here.. sorry been bizi blum sempat habiskan baca kisah u danny - thanks for the update, as my mind wonder .. u keep me update awan - how i wish u could read cerita badong... sebagai inspirasi wtl - my hp gimme problem bila nak sms u. not that i dun care .. focus on happiness k sis kak enigma - wah nak kene operation gak ye? 16 Aug ...


i got ichi hand again. lama tak buat kerja gini.. dulu pernah my blog turn albino sekejab sebab i gie try2 tukar template ( abg kroll and kak enigma boleh jadi saksi). smlm the same thing happened again. I didn't save the latest java script of watts_in .. so the bits and pieces that i ever put in dah hilang.. termasuklah kata2 sakti Awan Putih. Semua hilang dek "ichi hand sendiri". Yesterday, it was white.. lepas tu back to blue and this morning mud color and now its blue.. kerja giler lah. Awan, senyum lah .. tak mau nangis k


Romance Measuring Game no fight2 .. nope, just making love.
the beauty of freedom Alhamdulilah am feeling so much better today. This morning i took a bus to work. I had a Great journey (with little bit of guilt cos tak ngaji). I tune-in my fav. morning show @ RIA with Shah. Topik pagi ni abt RIA listeners yg lumpuh. Hmmm weird kan?? but still aku teruskan mendengar.. the first caller with a nick of Man Badong. Man ni.. masa dia berusia 25 tahun, dia terjatuh while working and terus paralyse from dada ke bawah. Yang menarik bila dengar cerita Man ni ialah cara Man berbual.. tenang dan terang. Ketenangan dan keredhaan dari suaranya menarik ramai pendengar termasuk aku. Aku kesat air mata yg mengalir tapi tetap basah semula (hmm...perfect time, tak ramai orang dlm bus) Kata Man tadi, bila dia tahu dia dah paralyse, the first thot that comes to mind ialah "kenapa aku?". Kalau aku relate kan kisah Man ni dgn kehidupan seharian aku dan teman2 rasanya ini lah soalan yg selalu menjadi tanda tanya?. Adakah azazil juga pernah bertanyakan so...