ripple again dibdib slept on our way home..lovey got the urgency to go tired and thinking of joining dibdib sajer. But tell myself better to do isyak first .. lepas isyak, teringat pulak that it was mlm jumaat. lun capai surah yasin but hmmm.. tulisan kecik sangat. Tergerak to get the Quran yg lovey hadiahkan waktu wedding dulu .. jarang sekali lun gunakan Quran tuu.. it was refreshing to be able to mengaji especially after that monday nite hantu story, i think the house need something lah or maybe it just me, being a "penakut" i keep on imagining stuff around the house *hump*. (jimi if u read this, now u know why i avoid watching ghost movie). I realised terlalu banyak surah that ive not been reading. swaying to nowhere... lepas mengaji, i panjatkan doa semoga apa yg dibaca tadi dapat menjadi pahala utk dihadiahkan kepada junjungan besar .. para anbiya', sahabat, ulama', ayah ibu, datuk nenek, moyang, uncle (i keep on seeing lelaki yg ad...
Now-40s..this is where i get personal