i found..

smlm 30 Nov was my bro's birthday, he was 4 yrs younger than me. Wonder how life would be if he's around...
another day in the office.. another day struggling to finish up the work. another day..
:+ :+ :+ :+ :+ :+ :+ :+ :+ :+ :+ :+ :+ :+ :+ :+ :+
this morning, there was a chain accident (6 cars kissing each other butt) along PIE. Nauzubillah.. sarapan pagi nih cam hari tu jugak creakers with kopi. Ibuk said since lovey is fasting she's not making any breakfast for me?? eik??? what's the logic behind.. no wonder this saturday lovey nak bawak ibuk ke Banquet di Sengkang Mall .. (ada pakatan sulit ke?)
Saturday 3rd Dec is my parents 33th Wedding Anniversary. While on the 12th is ibuk and dibdib birthday.. on 29th, Insyallah will be my 4th year anniversary .. dibdib will start his skool next year ... now am thinking of $$

smlm 30 Nov was my bro's birthday, he was 4 yrs younger than me. Wonder how life would be if he's around...
another day in the office.. another day struggling to finish up the work. another day..
:+ :+ :+ :+ :+ :+ :+ :+ :+ :+ :+ :+ :+ :+ :+ :+ :+
this morning, there was a chain accident (6 cars kissing each other butt) along PIE. Nauzubillah.. sarapan pagi nih cam hari tu jugak creakers with kopi. Ibuk said since lovey is fasting she's not making any breakfast for me?? eik??? what's the logic behind.. no wonder this saturday lovey nak bawak ibuk ke Banquet di Sengkang Mall .. (ada pakatan sulit ke?)
Saturday 3rd Dec is my parents 33th Wedding Anniversary. While on the 12th is ibuk and dibdib birthday.. on 29th, Insyallah will be my 4th year anniversary .. dibdib will start his skool next year ... now am thinking of $$