Alhamdulilah everything is back on track again. No more mind boggling. Yesterday madness was abt this new company. Stuck up like what, email me in Caps and Red some more, rude kan tuu? but my replied to her "thank you, see you next wed". hahaha.. i even bother to see her tomorrow meh??
Gud news my toilets will be ready by tomorrow. Kitchen cabinet will only be ready next week yet, lovey suggested we heck the wall in the belcony. After confirming with the contractor i remembered that he tearing down my wailing wall hahaha.. weird kan? i love to sit by the wall sipping my coffee when lovey bizi on PC and let him go around the house looking for me. Alaaah cam lah besar rumah tu ye? hehehe.. so now he's a happy man cos i got less place to hide!!