adib will be graduating soon from his K2. He's at the next building rehersing for a play for his graduation ceremony hehehe.. i brought him to office this morning and people been calling him handsome boy. I left kimi in ibuk's house just like old times. he dinch cry at all.. Masyallah itu budak always at ease wif nyai and yayi..
Syawal has just ended. Alhamdulilah the bad start was actually rahmat from Allah. Syawal brought most of us together. Family bonded. Cuzens sat together and catch up on life matters. My cuzens and i been busy taking care of our own sick parents. We actually shared something in common, which was dealing with the 'taibs' hehehe..
i saw something additional on the Flyer this morning..

next year holloween will be a great one, Insyallah..
last bach of frens decided to visit me and tasted my lontong yang cukup superb!! Amin..
Syawal has just ended. Alhamdulilah the bad start was actually rahmat from Allah. Syawal brought most of us together. Family bonded. Cuzens sat together and catch up on life matters. My cuzens and i been busy taking care of our own sick parents. We actually shared something in common, which was dealing with the 'taibs' hehehe..
i saw something additional on the Flyer this morning..
next year holloween will be a great one, Insyallah..
last bach of frens decided to visit me and tasted my lontong yang cukup superb!! Amin..