Did I tell you that I am now a volunteer at the kids school?. It happened unexpectly, or I can say, it happened coincidently. Full filling my life in a different expect, somehow can be fun yet tiring. Subhanallah, may Allah bless us with His rahmah. By the way, I was volunteering at the library a while ago and I came across a book by Norma Mazer. Somehow the name brought back old memories of me and my teenage life. I picked the book and lightly reading it.. I found my "old messy me". The old emotions, the sadness, the thot of how crazy I was 'in my head'. I was so closed to tears. Those emotions was part of me and I wouldn't want to get back there. Subhanallah, I am thankful for the way things are now. Alhamdulilah for keeping me in the right path Ya Allah.
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