pagi tadi sebak dada bila dengar radio abt pertemuan anak & bapak for the first time after 30 yrs. lepas tu berkumandang pulak lagu "ayah" by khaty ibrahim. sebak sesak senak - pernafasan. bila lun toleh ke kanan.. lun tengok lovey yg sedang memandu dah basah kuyup dgn airmata. yes, cukup sedih it makes us think abt our relationship with our very own parents. lovey suggested i sing the "ayah" song for my father (knowing how "close" we are) i told him i dah pernah; i think. But not infront of him... i just dedicated the song to my ayah and start singging when i was very young years ago... to many sob stories lah over the radio today. i guess menambahkan keheningan pagi Jumaat yg penuh barakah ini. shanti said she'll be bring'in Vittesh to see a PD for baby today. I pray for the good news. Thanks i_mshe for the comments. eh lama tak dengar cerita gurl, tak sangka eh dah maulid nabi lagi.. ingat tak last year kita gie baca maulid?? aku ...
Now-40s..this is where i get personal