i was fasting this morning, got up at 5 to sahur.. sakit perut, gie toilet, solat and than took a nap after that i got up again, sakit perut again .. and then i got sakit kepala. It was mild at first. Yesterday i was granted a new Pentium4 xp. It was nice huhu until i realized that the fond looks kindda small and the headache started again. Goodness, i can't watch my Gilmore Girls today cos certain software was missing and this new PC is very the rigid that i can't just add any software on my own. uhhh!! so instead of watching the G girls, i listen to them instead and the headache is getting bad. I went to the toilet and feel like throwing out. Yuck! i got nothing inside my stomach so its kind of painful thing to do. I got back to the office.. make myself a cup of cereal milo drink and Buka my puasa. I took 1 tablet of penedol and the other one didn't make its way to my stomach. Time check it was 3pm. Tak de rezeki lah .. Insyallah esok cuba lagi. Sesungguhnya Allah ma...
Now-40s..this is where i get personal