Adib had little accident last tuesday in school. Right after reciting doa, he ran instead of walk to his classroom and bumped on a teacher who was carrying a wooden tray full of class materials. The tray felt and hit on his feet. According to teacher he was ok for that 3 hrs in school but right after he saw Nyai waitng for him at the void deck, he started to complain that he can't move his feet, he can't walk and poor Nyai (who was a bit under the weather) had to carry him!! He called me and cried cried and cried. Poor adib .. he was playing tough in school yet all along his tiny feet hurt and by nite it started to swell. Teacher in school said he was ok all along and he was at fault too cause he should not run in the first place. hmmm .. Brought him to the doctor yesterday just to play safe cause little adib was limping. Alhamdulilah nothing broke or fractured but he would be out of PE for a week!! errmmm tonite silat how?? Out of the blue he managed to remember the steps of t...
Now-40s..this is where i get personal