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Showing posts from December, 2005

take a walk along 2005 with ..

; SelaMAT TaHUN BaRU semua.. am sure u all can recognise bits and pieces of u guys from the pic. its specially made as a remembrance of my 2005. (aku bizi ar tak de time nak tulis panjang2 huhu). Hv fun u all.. "Jangan Gentar Memburu mimpi & Mengejar Bayang" - anonymous
10 yrs of friendship and 4 yrs of marriage.. Happy 4th Anniversary!

a mother's thot

the calling card its very interesting to read people disgusting (read: discussing)abt the Drama Hanyut . The first time when screenbox produced the drama i welcome it with open mind. To me its like an infotainment drama. Infomative cos it showed us ( the not so young generation ) on what our malay youngsters been up to. It helps when they interviewed the youngsters who wish to changed and come back to the society and hoping to find the "keserasian" in the community again. Tonite, Hanyut is back again. Last sunday, one hour drama was supposed to be the premier of tonite show. But funny thing, I only watched it halfway cos I couldn't stand watching it at all. You see, we watched the show while having our dinner.. seeing a mother forcing her 5yr old son drinking liquor makes me wanna puke. Seriously, i lost my appetite right away. With the unfinished food in my plate i continued watching, for sure the production house wanted the scene to be acted as real as possible bu...
first and foremost, sorry gurls .. aku bagi korang salah tone ar. i lost the excitement and the fun loving spirit that nite. The phone call was a dissappointment one eh? or maybe aku jeles korang tiga orang dapat jumpa and aku tengah case desperate housewife kat umah. i guess ada masa tu dibdib can be quite a challenge for me huhuhu apa2 pun im sure u gurls had fun meeting each other. Oit!! imshe .. ada bawak balik subway tak?? submarine pun orite gaks kalau ada. Hey!! thinking abt it, i think im truly jeles!!!! hahaha .. kalau may i tak dapat jumpa u ols, sure aku mogok seminggu agaknye eh? wtl u got ada band cd eh? can sent me the "aura" song tak? hehehe v the cheap sket hor... i called danny last friday, for a short chat .. kira kalau pendek tu manis hihihi .. kita berbual pasal apa eh?? i can't remember cos at that moment dibdib tengah takut dgn dragonfly hehehe so the multi tasking work suck a bit but danny sounded cheerful .. and shld i (we) be angry at u f...

wat a x'mas!

heiya pple, today dinch blog earlier cos bizi dapat gifts and carik gifts lah.. org memberi kita membalas lah hoi! itu namanya diplomasi kan? had fun with the games, lucky draw and some other stuff. SO happy holiday u ols. yg ke PD tuu enjoi2 lah ye. hopefully imshe dapat carik time to jumpa wtl. pada yg nak diet tu teruskan lah usaha murni tu eh. pada yg nak rehat, hope u ols dapat rehat bebetul. zuhri, apa plan? main golop ke? awan, u plak buat apa? tatot, i tried sms u cam tak jln jer.. im glad to see u here cekya, snap more pics during this fastive season ks. hmmm sape lagik eh? ligo, dzue and all lah... takpe lah apa pun hv fun ks.. see u when i see u taaa.

im officially declare myself as FAT

si cevek yg dedih its hard to accept the truth but nilah kenyataanya. For the first time in my life, am looking fat. Oversize, overloaded and overeat. I have not come to the level of hating my body yet .. am afraid i just might soon. you see, since young i was always the "kudut Rat" yup never "Fat". I wore big shirt/blouse/baju kurung just to hide the skeleton inside .. i wore baggy pants so pple won't be able to see the 2 tiang gol!!. I wore big chunk of watch to hide my bones. Yes, i was like that .. i wanted so much to gain some weight but it never happen... a good friend of mine said *sebab dia selalu kene sumpah* hahaha!! I was damn pissed by her comments. Looking back, im thankful for the sumpahan at least am not fat! Back then, i was all flat, no hour glass figure at all. No wonder aku tak de boyfren!!! ish!! When i started working, my colleague called me "cutie pie". They said im slim, young and pretty (lahhh konon tuuu). That was the time i...
aku baru nak set-off dari rumah ibuk ada orang dah bid me good nite thru her sms. hmmm lucky u ligo im still on the road, dear. woooo!! ponat den and its only wednesday. Projection for second one dah kene hint dari seluruh masyarat alam semesta. yang paling tersengat bila someone said: "dib tell ur mom u want adek. lun, its abt time u hv ur 2nd one yada yada yada .. " ma answer: "hmmm.. its not as if i can hv baby on my own" sambil toleh ke lovey *a gasture to tolak balak* nak ambik kau!! think abt it, i answer it on impulse. Maybe i need to come out with a wonderful answer lah.. but like what ar?? ++++++++++++++++++ last sunday, CNA showed a documentary on Tsunami. Tho' its been a year but sayup jiwa bila terkenang kembali detik musibah berlaku. Apa tidaknya, it showed pergolakan Tsunami yg berlaku dari Aceh, ke Thailand lepas tuu ke India dgn sipi sipi tentang M'sia. Melihat tubuh yg tadinya sihat sejahtera terus keras kaku. Gerun!! Termenun...
aku bawak tuna chili, shanti bawak roti dan daun2 berserta tomatoes. shanti is on diet, aku pulak tengak malas nak makan .. so seronok lah hari ni eat lunch together. actually, hari ni idea kat otak a bit tersekat2, entah kenapa .. oh yeah, i blog later kalau ada time cos right now i nak print big 3 and 4 letter words for dibdib. hahahah not the fcuk lah doink!! big print out like FAN .. DOOR .. CHAIR (5 words?) .. SOFA .. BOOK .. BED .. hv fun u ols..
take a listen to FOOLISH BEAT by Debbie Gibson... aaahhhh soo soothing for monday. as a reminder to me jgn nak lepas cakap buat lovey hempas pintu sanggettt. Maybe dah lama sangat i dinch provoke him or maybe ive been keeping lots of unjustify comments to myself. Smlm terkeluar and padam muka i. But the whole episode ended abt 5 to 6 mins ajer. I shall remember last nite incident everytime i think of kuch kuch hota hei hehehe. *Foolish Beat*
tadi pagi imshe, enigma and me email each other .. hmm tak de org jawab my email pun i guess errr aku rasa aku merapu banyak sangat. never mind, u ols ignore it saje ok. rulan, i tak de time nak tulis kat u.. but ur in mind and i wish uhappiness. oh btw its "snorkling" ok. hehe cekya, bukan u sorang jer yg rasa .. kita smua. But apa nak buat kepten ada tuntun hidup yg tersendirik. We have each other to rely on. Dont forget that ok. biah, aku nak call kau tapi tak sempat2. kau hilang.. wonder wats the misteri behind. tadi aku jumpa orang misteri. write abt it next time. aku nak balik nih, dah penat lagi jam. hv a very relaxing wkend k. aku nak tengok kuch2 ho ta hei this sunday. aku tak pernah tengok crita antik tuu. tata all
smlm bizi sampai dekat kul 5 baru problem settle .. by than, lots of companies dah krang kring tanya how come the kertas kerja posted in the web tak leh view.. sangkut lah, diorang tak reti ke? pulak tu IT Dept was down with pple going on leave and mc.. thank God samir decided to come to the rescue.. itu pun i still hv some unsettle matters with him .. lepas nih nak gie kacau dia lagi huhu.. i think WTL ada tanya abt Danny dat day.. well he dinch tell me much (actually) but he did say he's going to put a long stop to DannyHussainy and see me in the "new medium". Hmmm.. pelik gaks ar. By midnite, he smsed again to say he's constructing a blog for his students for some course. I guess thats the new medium still W - I - P. Wtl, itu lah al-kisah tumfuk tumfuk taik unta .. hehehehe (Alamak, baru nak ngumpat, i saw his name in tagboard) hari ni, Insyallah im meeting ibuk, adek, antie and dibdib kat bugis. Celebrate ibuks b'day.. no wonder in the middle of the n...
WA manyiak stless ar ali ini. Dali pagi sampek sikalang ar.. wa sibuk buat posting dikat itu office punya ar tapi itu balang tak mau kiluar bila wa biu lah.. apa macam lor. wa talak boleh blog .. wa talak boleh tidul wa talak boleh makan lor kalo macam gini. lua olang smua doa2 manyiak-manyiak utk gua hor... applesel lailorr kene kilija butut butut... mistakes lu olang tengok ini gamba sulah cukup lah hor..

back to life .. back to reality

am sober, cooler and sleepier today. All my black mood gone when i saw lovey's face, he looked better and the swell subsided a bit, it was less painful and he can walk without my help. Alhamdulilah.. for sickness and poor Insyallah aku cinta padamu. (oit, terbabas jauh plak). Came back home i forgot abt the postcard and everything looks normal. Now, I place the postcard right in front of me on my PC (as a reminder of myself) tho several times the thot of tearing it to pieces did cross my mind, but i figured why waste it, i re-read the content this morning .. oh well, everyone have diff perception on things .. i shall use it to measure my weakness. No point argueing and definitely am not gonna carik pasal plak. Let it be.. at least i know. Furthermore end of the year is nearing .. need to make list of things that i need to do for next year .. like: most of the times i make plans in my head and forgot to tell people abt it. Need to read again .. figure how to buy Avanza when i...

what's good abt morning

yesterday i was filled with love. Weekend was tiring but full of satisfaction. I still remember lovey's notty eyes.. silence speaks a thousand words ain't it? however, yesterday he came home .. looking sick. Both his legs swell from his feet to his buku lali and up. He had problem walking but insisted to find dibdib the cement toy truck. I had not find time to buy anything for ibuk yet .. knowing how fussy and choosy ibuk is, i prefer to let her choose her own present. Btw ibuk is trouble with something .. so hopefully her blood won't go upstairs. Last nite was Alhamdulilah with food and cakes and dibdib playing with all his presents. But lovey had to hold me in order to walk. Do you know how sad that is? Off course its not the end of the world but i feel his pain. this morning after taking the pain killer .. he was better. I was late to work, hungry and no breakfast. Ibuk dinch prepare anything for me... frustrated giler kejap. In the end, i brought coffee and lastnite...
hari nih 2x lun terhidu bau ketiak yg sama. you know the smell of hapak and cam tak mandi... aiyok!! 1st incident happend this morning in the bus. A sleeveless young guy normally smell of cigerattes or overloaded cologne but this guy diff plak. Dia punay bau ketiak melantun2 ke hidung. Aiyooo.. rasa cam nak suggest he buy bedak ketiak (hanya $2.50 sajer). Boleh beli di kedai pak aji yg berdekatan... *ish* 2nd incident ova lunch hr, a group of indian expat walking and ewwwww... bau samer cam tadi pagi!! Apelah nasib hari nih.. malang bila terbau... thank God lovey tak plak berpeluh cam gini or izit the case "love is blind".. bau ketiak pun harum subur dihati hahahah... but thedreamer pernah verify, he dinch smell of ketiak (ops!) last 2 weeks tak silap, lun pergi ke blog mirch. Lama tak singgah sana .. dia ada post satu gambar.. lun tenung dan tenung gambar ittew. Berkata dlm hati .. hmm mungkin ada cerita ala ala PGL lagik tak? cos ada gambar pompan tengah post pa...

he wants a cement truck but he oso want bob the builder skolbag, thomas pancil case bla bla..

12 Dec 2005 cuzens..without the baby boy huhu cilup baaaa...
lunch hari ini ialah belen sneaker smlm yg lun makan for breakfast dan sebijik pear/ lai errr? kerja berton-ton .. malas nak keluar makan. I turn down 2 lunch date ... cos selalu i carik partner diorang tak available so hari ni sorry eh, mood tak available ar hehehe... bila kerja dah banyak what i need is to hv some peace and quiet moment to blog dll. Tak de mood nak bercakap. Thanks to Rulan for the email ... makes me smile wide-wide macam poster Darlie .. cuma tak itam jer. Hv a save trip to perak. Am sure An will do a good job ova there .. dan semoga majlis berjalan lancar, Amin. Hmm sure seronok kan majlis kahwin kat m'sia .. agaknya lah. Selalu pun lun cuma tengok kat tv jer.. haha Lun terinagat Kroll lah.. dah lama tak nampak nama dia kat sini, mungkin sekarang tengah bizi kot. I wish u happiness always k bro.. Smlm lovey saw J and Umar.. maybe they fetching i_mshe from work.. i did called i_mshe but no answer.. oh well, sibuk lah tu. actually hari nih nak tu...
the new comer kak lis menarik hati aku. mungkin kerana bahasa dia yg bersahaja buat aku rasa sonang bonar.. aku pergi beberapa blog carik dari mana dia dtg .. hehehe. Kak lis , aku jadi stalker plak kejap .. tadi pergi secret recipe .. ordered one chicken cordon blue, a slice of coco mocha cake & plain water. Lepas tu ordered b'cake for monday .. total $$ spent was 84.60. Lepas tuu nak develop photo but machine sibuk dgn orang so adik and me pergi to "mix & match". I saw one jacket thot of buying for adek for her interview. Check the price $49.00, i was told ada 20%discount. Lepas dah try out and bla bla bla .. i pergi bayar .. the cashier kata "ok its $89.00 after 20% discount it will be $71.20". Oh, $49.00 is for the short skirt da... Hmmm ... nak terbegek rasa tapi gua relek brader ... dlm hati aku berdoa, semoga adek cepat dapat kerja .. tak payah aku berabis duit cam gini, Amin. p/s: tak silap aku, smlm i was so pissed with her .. but what ...
HUNGRY? grab a SNEAKER dats my breakfast for today. lunch time later need to order cake for the 2 Sagittarians. Yesterday i went to visit my latest nephew he is 4.45kg. Amboi!! no wonder tak leh "kluar". He's hairy, big and very the Chinese looking. hehehe another sagi boy.. siap lah tuh!!. Mak told dibdib "See, kakak ada baby. You don't have.. " hmmm.. those teasing tak se"suay" langsung lah i rasa .. Dibdib just kerut2 his dahi and geleng kepala .. hihihi that notti creature says he don't want baby!! But i noticed something different abt dibdib. Past two nites, he slept alone on mattress. He don't want to share bed with us as usual. I kindda miss having him beside me .. or kena his flying kick in the middle of the nite. But i guess, Allah maha mengetahui dan sentiasa menolong hamba2nya yg blur kong macam i nih ... *now bley project dgn jayanya .. tapi asal tak de masa nih* awwwwww... (jgn bilang orang ks..rahsia kita tau) rahsia perkah...


front page, berita harian 7 Dec 2005 - contributed by Ligo Stone SUAMI yang didakwa memukul bantai isterinya sehingga maut di flat mereka di Dover Road Jumaat lalu, dihadapkan ke mahkamah semalam atas tuduhan membunuh.> Tuduhan itu merupakan pindaan ke atas tuduhan asal - sengaja mencederakan isterinya dengan parah - yang dikenakan terhadap Mohammad Zam Abdul Rashid - sehari selepas kejadian tersebut.> Mohammad Zam, 44 tahun, seorang pekerja pembersihan, tidak membuat sebarang pengakuan.> Mahkamah diberitahu bahawa isterinya, Allahyarhamha Ramona Johari, seorang pekerja kilang berusia 38 tahun, meninggal dunia di Hospital Universiti Nasional (NUH) sekitar 8.45 malam Ahad lalu akibat dipukul bantai hampir sejam sehingga koma pada hari kejadia> Mohammad Zam diberkas di flatnya selepas polis menerima panggilan tentang kejadian di rumah pasangan tersebut di Blok 1, Dover Road, sekitar 1.40 pagi Jumaat lalu.> Pasangan itu telah berkahwin sekitar lapan tahun tetapi tidak m...
lun dapat satu lagi anak sedara. kakak lovey gave birth to a baby boy last nite. 4th time dia cuba baru dapat boy. Last nite while waiting for the good news .. lovey and me just looked at each other .. hmm obviously, teringatkan saat2 melahirkan dibdib. I had a loooong labour..and lovey was with me at all times. Bila contraction semakin hebat, lun nangis tak tahan sakit .. lovey pun nangis sama, at that time i keep on telling him "its all ur fault!". Berkali2 dia minta maaf sebab he put me thru all the pain. hehehe .. giler kan? tapi lepas sajer melahirkan, i told lovey to call dibdib. Bila lovey panggil jer.. si kecil tu toleh ke arah kami berdua. Masyallah .. tak tergambar kegembiraan di saat itu. I think lovey masih kene badi tau.. hmm abis tuu macam mana nak dapat 2nd one eh? hihihi Asing tidak asing Kita pun bermain sentuh-sentuhan Dengan angin yang mendesah Gerak amat perlahan Ketika kesepian Mencari-cari pengertian Kalimat kasih Antara insan Tenang t...


to set the right mood click "play" for the song OSAD EiNY by Amr Diab aku tak berapa kenal dgn dia. Kali terakhir aku jumpa dia waktu aku hadiri jemputan kahwin tahun lalu. Itu pun ibuk yg beritahu aku "itulah ayu". Aku takat senyum jer .. Aku dengar cerita, dia dah lama tak duduk tinggal dgn ibunya.. dia ada "mami" skarang nih. Oh yeke, dah tak sekolah ke? kerja apa dia buat? entah lah .. kerja malam agaknyer .. ataupun tu .. bersihkan kuku hmmm.. manicure/padicure?? aku pun tak tahu tapi itulah antara perbualan aku dgn ibuku semalam. Khabarnya sabtu lalu ayu pulang kerumah, kerana rindukan ibunya dan keluarga. Pasti ibu dia gembira kan? yelah .. macam sirih pulang ke ganggang. Hati ibu mesti berirama ria melihatkan anak gadis yg hampir 17 tahun itu. Satu-satunyer anak gadis ibu. Hari ahad, ayu keluar lagi. Tapi mengapa ada polis datang kerumah ibu?? apa ertinya semua ini?? ibu mungkin masih muda tapi hati ibu tetap sama macam ibu2 yg sewaktu dgn nya. Po...
p/s: aku tak jeles lagik .. infact my head is not heavy anymore. What started as a lousy day turn to be a Be-u-ti-poolSunnyMonday! I had great times with Tatot, Awan, Ligo and WTL (on saperate account). You guys make my day lah.. and each of u know we are real pple with real feeling and real friendship. The ship may be bit rusty by now but the crew will stay on. Macam kata kak ros pada abg jack " i will never let go" hehehe... - hv a nice evening all :)

aku jeles..

space i keep on having headache. since last week, my morning was greeted with heavy head some kindda light headache. Recently, there was a case of a lady having bad headache but was given not so serious treatment at the A&E. The 2nd time she went to A&E, she dropped dead while waiting for her turn to see doctor. Doctors find out her that one of her vain in her head burst. Last week, ova the radio someone said a girl commited suicide in CCK cos Acit Spin got married. eh? Yesterday, my mom had a shocked when she found out one of her niece's daughter committed suicide. My uncle sarcastically said she wanted to be a wonder women. eh? Last nite, i cried till my eyes swell bcos of Kal Ho Na Ho errr or was it b'cos of migraine? Today, i choose to be jeolous. Its not worth actually .. cos no one would know why and it will add unnecessary stress on me. bodoz lah lun nih .. i need more space in my head. Maybe i need to delete some unwanted files..

Random thots...

ON CHANNEL NEWSASIA 48 On AIDS A World AIDS Day Special Real individuals with real stories to tell. Forty-eight people from all walks of life and their thoughts on AIDS. 48 on AIDS - A World AIDS Day Special this Thu, Dec 1 @ 2030 SST. cepat betul minggu nih berlalu .. aku masih terkejar2 dgn kerja yg setia menanti. Last nite i managed to watch bit of 48 on AIDS, impressive sangat cos it showed the thoughts of 48 people with & without HIV+... in short these pple individually share their thots abt their fear, experience, $$, social expectation, secrets etc etc .. teringat pula lun pada Paddy Chew . He was all out to reach the public to talk abt AIDS. May he rest in peace.. the interview with datin was errmm .. (mungkin kerana di minda dah terselit sedikit prejudisma yg berkurun lama).Secara keseluruhan 48 on AIDS is way much informative for a lame person like me. enuf abt that, i don't hv anyone to lunch with. serve me right for being so anti-social. Am lazy to open my mouth ...
1st Dec '05 - utk adek bongsu smua..Cekya
World Aids Day '05 “Stop AIDS. Keep the Promise” kat tv ada sedutan kisah kak sharifah tentang penyakit yg dialaminya.. mlm ni kat Detik ada wawancara dgn marina M. pada yg membaca .. jaga diri.. p/s: last week detik interview with tokpah cukup untuk aku membuat kongklusi yang ..

just another day

i found.. smlm 30 Nov was my bro's birthday, he was 4 yrs younger than me. Wonder how life would be if he's around... another day in the office.. another day struggling to finish up the work. another day.. :+ :+ :+ :+ :+ :+ :+ :+ :+ :+ :+ :+ :+ :+ :+ :+ :+ this morning, there was a chain accident (6 cars kissing each other butt) along PIE. Nauzubillah.. sarapan pagi nih cam hari tu jugak creakers with kopi. Ibuk said since lovey is fasting she's not making any breakfast for me?? eik??? what's the logic behind.. no wonder this saturday lovey nak bawak ibuk ke Banquet di Sengkang Mall .. (ada pakatan sulit ke?) Saturday 3rd Dec is my parents 33th Wedding Anniversary. While on the 12th is ibuk and dibdib birthday.. on 29th, Insyallah will be my 4th year anniversary .. dibdib will start his skool next year ... now am thinking of $$