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Showing posts from May, 2005
i ova slept today, infact i just wake up too shocked to see the sun has rises..called boss and told her i'll be taking leave. Adek is coming back from Bangkok i guess i'll be away from ofis and being on-line. take care of our Danny boy..cekya+tatot keep on gelak2..awan yg sungguh putih itu entry nye interesting skalll lah..wtl u must be real bizi ye but ingat, jgn overwork k and same goes to Kroll and I_mshe..
i really wanna write. i wanna write something for danny. i want him to be strong with what he's having now..but i just don't know how. I wrote so many entries in my head and one still in draft but i don't think it looks right anyway. i guess semua must hv guess that our fren here is not having a good life after the broke up.. so kalau sesapa ada kata2 sakti tuu shoot ajer lah. In the meantime Danny, keep on fighting..semoga airmata yg mengalir semalam merobohkan segala tembok yg lama u pacak. Insyallah semoga hati bertambah lembut & tenang. Akak doa dari sini.
hope its big this time..
smlm peterpan won 2 awards kat SCTV (for lagu: ku katakan dgn indah & another one lupak!)and Ariel is gonna be a father soon. He's cool abt it and said that he's sure gonna be there(with his wife) when the times come. Santai saje Ariel ni, tapi dlm benak tak tau apa agaknya. tu yg buat lun suka banget tengok wajah dia.. for a person whose life been surrounded by girls wonder how he nak taichi tu smua eh? the last time i met with someone with similar character i fell head ova heal damn! tried very hard not to be blinded by love but just can't fight it. It took me all the courage & strenght to tell him to go to hell..the crying episode took months to end. Dataran merdeka jadi saksi sewelan lun masa tuu.. i'd painted the whole house just to keep myself occupied. hehehe those were the days of being young. oh well..selamat berhujung minggu. Pop shuvit...u guys are fantastic dude!!
am having problem masuk my own blog. its all b'cos of the pic that i posted this morning!! sorry tot ive deleted that entry so ur comment pun kene wipe out = uhhhmmmm..uhhmmmmm... (oh cekya ur spesel entry tu sungguh menghiburkan) today is "Eat with Your Family Day". so every staff is encourage to go back at 5 sharp. Few restaurants are offering discounts but yang halal so far cuma KFC sajer. Teruk kan? kecian orang melayu kat sini tempat makan limited unless nak ke warong lah tapi ada jugak jenis yg main bedal semua. Cakap pasal bedal nie kan, for the past 2 days ive been "bedaling" starbuck coffee cos they having promotion buy one get one free. My colleague pulak dgn sadin skall belikan "kita orang" coffee (mau tak mau tetap kene bayar!). apa policy dia pakai i duno so semalam lepas minum coffee my perut rasa funny and the rest tu tau ler apa jadi. errrr... i think nescafe ibuk lah yg paling safe & berkat hehe... wonder how adek doing kat chian...
yang mana satu? those tiny stuff are gifts from colleagues. Some came from as far as portugal (the tiny lady) and south africa (the small black "kuntakinte holding a gemstone"). Its kindda hard to choose which one like best cos those are momento from poeple that i met along my life.
watt_in the wall?hari ni am suppose to be on leave but lovey had to cancel his leave so i come back to work.. kecian lovey kene put his plan to on-hold lagik. tadi pagi hujan lebat.. apa nak buat, morning flight kene lah bangun pagik.. cam nak rak kejut kan dibdib and he keeps on saying "nanak..." tadi tengahari the 4gurls dah slamat sampai ke bangkok. tonite they will travel to chiangmai. Allah sajer yg tahu betapa berdebarnyer rasa kita yg kene tinggal nie. Cuma bekalan doa ajer yg mengiring diorang semua... selamat hendaknya. (pssst: adek just called ibuk, she said 4 jam they walk just to look for halal food. now perut dah kenyang!) btw, seronok berkongsi pengalaman tentang carik jodoh nie.. but the only knowledge thing that i hv wif me ialah melalui pengalaman sendirik dan pengamatan sekeliling. smlm ajer lun rewang2 menulis surat untuk teman lun.. surat rintihan & rintitan gejolak jiwa isteri pertama. lun harap kali ini, Allah lembutkan hati abg **** (eh, 4 asterix ...
guest: guest tak jadi dtg last saturday, the wife was on labour. Hmm, wonder what happen if she got the pain while she's in our house? kengkabut agaknyer, but syiok jugak bley dapat godson!! anyway glad lovey and me got the chance to spring cleaning the house. Terasa cam hari raya!! s'pore expo: kita ke s'pore expo. ada pameran pengantin & barangan indonesia. nothing much ler hanya setakat singgah ke booth puteri emas dan bersalaman dgn mak andam "saye" huhu.. and semestinya bermesra (cam tak real sajer) dgn Kak Mas (owner of puteri emas bridal). skali hapen, akak ipar Jun pun ada kat situ... she said dengar khabar jun nak balik S'pore raya nie... insyallah Jun i doa semoga kita dapat lepas rindu syawal nanti. episode tak leh lupa bila lun diberi brochure pengantin oleh seorang nyah yg berkebaya ketat lagi jarang. Dia kata pada lun "jgn terperanjat" waduh!! anjat gugurl bila dengar suara dia... hmm, nak tanggap glam saj dia itt...
sebenarnya dlm kecerian dan menceriakan kengkawan semalam lun was having not so great day here. Work is getting more and more..but yg paling berat skali bila smlm lun merajuk (baca:marah) dng ibu. Adek kata ibu nangis bila lun dah pergi kerja and ibu kata "cakap cam tu pun nak merajuk" sambil menangis. You see in this matter, i know i didn't do anything wrong infact i was trying to tell ibu not to get so work out ova her sister (in KL) coming to S'pore. My mak long got this very strong attitude and ibuk gets jiffy ova it. Haiyok..b'cos of that ibuk start to act strange and say stuff she don't mean. Memang lun dah minta maaf ngan ibuk for making her cry.Goodness, wat the hell hv i done? Why did she cry? tulah, suatu ujian dari Allah. Dikala orang memnuji ingat semua perkara..silap sedikit rosak susu sebelanga. Wateva!! btw, smlm jumpa tatot & cekya online. actually, my lovey yg tengah on-line masa tuu huhu..tot is going HK today with her mom on a 4 days tri...
i cdnuolt blveiee taht i cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdgnieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos raed ervey lteter by istlet, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? Yaeh and I awlyas thought slpeling was ipmorantt! ~enjoy the long weekend guys, dun be notti ya~ (am tired & working on important stats..khas utk negara)
drama-mama that's how i should describe it. Last two nites waktu nak pasang alarm on my hp, lun terperasan ada sms baru.. bila lun baca terasa berputar alam semesta itu belum termasuk tangan terketar jantung berdegup (eh, itu biasa kan?) tapi tetap lun bersyukur pada Allah. Lun tak larat nak sujud syukur (desakan ngantuk mungkin) tapi lun tetap jawab sms ittew dan tunggu buat seketika hehehe pastinya tak akan ku dapat reply for sure... so lun & dibdib pun terus hanyut ke pulau kekabu..trying to chase lovey yg dah sampai ke situ sejak dari tadi.. in between of the nite, lun terbangun check on lovey & dibdib and hp. just in case kalau ada sesiapa yg perlukan SOS. But deep down inside lun berdoa agar dia tenang aje. the thot of him remain in my mind jadi cam satu perkara berat yg boleh buat biol. takpa.. takpa.. in the end, i wrote an entry discarding what happened to him from my mind just to carry on with my day. But semestinya lun tak berjaya. Mungkin saje ini satu ujian...
lun ada lagu utk DyHy (DannyHussainy) (u nie sound cam ok tak ok gak..hehehe charming, simply charming like me hikhik) SHADEN - Dunia Belum Berakhir Dunia belum berakhir Bila kau putuskan aku Masih banyak teman-temanku disini Menemaniku Dunia belum berakhir Bila kau putuskan aku Wajahku juga nggak jelek-jelek amat Ada yang mau Ku pikir-pikir...ku pikir-pikir Lebih baik aku menyingkir Ku pikir-pikir... ku pikir-pikir Lelah... Dunia belum berakhir Bila kau putuskan aku Paling-paling juga kalau kamu mentok Balik padaku... Andai kau tahu...apa yang ku rasakan Andai kau mau...mengerti
mlm tadi dibdib tak mau tidur tho ayah & ibunye dah penat.. kalau tak caya tanya dgn aunt cekya & kak tatot . dibdib was so energetic. first dia nak play helicopter game , lepas tu dia nak tengok Barney and lepas tu plak he wants to watch Bob the Builder .. haiyok kelat betul mata lun smlm ... tadi pepagi buta dah sms si enigma . she came to watts_in smlm..rupanya her son sakit kene asmatic (hehe btul ke gini spell) aka semput ajer. i_mshe pun dtg gak.. kita selisih jln kot.. lama tak berbual mesra alam dgn korang smua yek. tadi pagi gie kerja naik bus.. turun ajer dari bus tuu my cermin mata terus berasap huhu..lun biarkan ajer tapi asal kabus tebal tu tak hilangs opssss hari mendung takde mentari rupanya. masa lun tanggal kan kaca mata tuu sambil lap-lap lun teruskan berjalan .. eh eh tak perasan the path in front of me was covered by dahan yg GEDIH , pasti ia jatuh waktu hujan tadi malam .. i look around ammak!!! mana nak kornar nie? terpaksa jln kat rumput2 bas...
Manusia Bodoh by ADA Band Dahulu terasa indah Tak ingin lupakan Bermesraan selalu jadi Satu kenangan manis Tiada yang salah Hanya aku manusia bodoh Yang biarkan semua ini permainkanku Berulang ulang ulang kali Reff : Mencoba bertahan sekuat hati Layaknya karang yang dihempas sang ombak Jalani hidup dalam buai belaka Serahkan cinta tulus di dalam takdir Tapi sampai kapankah kuharus Menanggungnya kutukan cinta ini Bersemayam dalam kalbu Tak ayal tingkah lakumu Buatku putus asa Kadang akal sehat ini Belum cukup membendungnya Hanya kepedihan Yang selalu datang menertawakanku Engkau belahan jiwa Tega menari indah di atas tangisanku Bridge : Semua kisah pasti ada akhir Yang harus dilalui Begitu juga akhir kisah ini Yakinku indah
continue... the trip to the ICU in National University Hospital was a quick one. Few colleagues were already there. Abg Zaid tidak sedarkan diri sejak sabtu lalu, mukanya bengkak..angota lain tak pulak lun nampak sebab ditutup dgn selimut. Terlalu banyak mesin perubatan yg mengeliling dia (adren, kot kot ada tak mesin yg u jual kat situ eh?) so far he undergone 2 operations and the 3rd one is coming very soon. We get the chance to meet with his wife and children. Kuasa Allah..sakit bermula bila pehanya terlanggar meja. Sejak itu sdikit2 sakit menjengah. Kata doktor, darahnye mengandungi Toxic. Sejauh ini, 2 operasi yg dijalankan ialah untuk membuang daging yg semakin rosak di bahagian peha (tempat terantuk). Ada lobang besar di peha dan doktor menampal bahagian bolong itu dgn daging dari bahagian lain. its kindda cut & paste process ..selain itu, doctor sedang mencuba membersihkan toxic di darah nya. Hopefully tak de negative reaction lah. Bila nak pulang tu..isteri a...

aku kaget

aku masih termangu dgn episode smlm. susah nak digest berita tentang abg zaid. Segak dan peramah orangnya. aku jadi takut..di takat nyawa ala ala ikan nie semoga hidayah Allah bersama dgn dirinya. setiap saat aku menunggu berita terkini tentang dia yg baru berusia 43 tahun. Muda kan tu? aku jadi gusar dgn kehidupan seharian yg semakin kurang. a fren that visited him yesterday told me this: It was a sad visit. He has been unconscious since the first operation on Saturday. He depends completely on high-dependency machines. May God bless him. sebenarnya aku tak berapa kenal dgn zaid ni. rapat jauh sekali..kita sekadar hi hi ajer bila bertemu di lobby but the news abt him shock me semacam tsunami melanda jiwa. live or let let die..aku takut dgn option yg kedua. but again, Dzue's entry beri aku idea baru..semacam harapan yg boleh aku buat utk institusi kekeluargaan. Dzue mengupas surah Al-ankabut. Alhamdulilah aku masih ingat lagi surah labar-labar. masa muda ku du...
SOS : got a call from a fren..dia sedih banget nie.. infact, tengah tahan nangis. What would u do? wish me luck .. am going to see her. if needed lun bersuara, hopefully, Allah ilhamkan lun kata2 nasihat yg berguna utk teman lun tuu. *********************************** at this point, im kindda numb with the news. so reaction nyer cam slow skit. all in all, i pray that Allah teruskan beri ketabahan pada dirinya. Looking at myself, maybe age and marriage change me. I could just say i hate man!! tapi tak plak..cos i love my men. entahlah, i pray for her..semoga jln yg dilaluinya sentiasa ditemani yang Esa sambil berlindung dibawah payung mas (miliknya)... shhhhhuuuuuu madunye mengandung buat kedua kali.. *********************************** just received an emial: Saudara kerja kita Mohamed Zaid Haron sekarang berada di ICU NUH dlm keadaan critical. Smlm kawan sekerja kita melawati nya di ICU & dia tidak sedar kan diri. Menurut doktor, Zaid harus dibedah secara aggressive ...

kita smua..

to Tatot.. tatot, ur such a good gurl rupanya...and i selute u for being such a homely person cos nowadays its hard to find a person like that... hey dun get me wrong, im homely tooo. Happy 27th to Biah!! enjoy urself to the spa.. and wear skirts sure ur mom gumbira ria...hehe ku baca cerita awan lagik.. dan hmm, rasa macam aku mahu tahu siapa anak ini, kenapa mesti bersembunyi sedangkan diri kita milik kita sendiri. Pastinya dia tak kuasa dengan perkara remeh yg menyusul. heh, aku pun begitu juga.. Apa apa pun, do the right thing bro. I'll pray for u.. kroll, u menyepi ajer nie? stick around lah.. Wtl, cerita lah skit pasal cikgu tuu..err how old is he and wats his name? graduated dr NUS ke? cekya, i told ur "abg" u kenit hati.. dzue, dah start ngajar bahasa melayu ngan budak2 jepun tu ke? danny, hope the trip home open a new chapter of ur life. me, happy sebab semalam lovey & me buat beberapa projeks bersama one of it was pumping the sink yg tersumbat.Now, im happy ...


smlam i came back late and lovey wasnt that happy. hmm..i know he don't mind me going out but i hv to be home before him .. guess i terova .. alah ke little india jer beli tosei. kalau gi masjid india lagi lupa balik agaknye.. Alhamdulilah, dia dah pun slamat sampai ke kampung halamannye. i was glad to get news from him. its been long we didn't chat semestinya once a while news camni means a lot. he's goin back for 100 hari tahlil for his mom. i hope this time he gets to cry..i hope he gets to spend sometimes with his family, make his present felt..get back what he's been missing all this while..cos im just an outsider, orang luar nothings better than ur own. But still am thankful for what happen now.. Alfatihah untuk arwah Hjh Saidah bte Hj Jalal..

friday the 13th

aku ada date hari ni dgn Shan. We going to Little India after work today. Lama tak kluar bersama.. lovey confirmed that his new staff is my student, Omar. si Omar ni still remember me & where i stay. i suppose this is one of the nice thing abt being a t'cher. to be remembered.. i need to loose weight lah..long time aku tak ke gym. the gym instructor pun dah lupa who i am. Maybe b;cos i don't use that nerdy spect anymore or maybe i put-on too much *Bang* why bother? do something lah... the last time i tried boxercise and aiyooo minah rugged like me pun jadi kental. Stamina kosong. Skang ni ramai yg join Yoga. Aku malas lah..pure exercise is ok but kalau dah terkangkang sana sini, masuk sana sini and the yoga master sure will touch u here and there sebab posisi tak betul.. i can't commit myself to such thing. i guess, i need to convince myself to workout in the gym like ol'days.. smlm, penat skalll..i rushed to finish my work cos lovey was gonna fetch me by...

sedar tak sedar

sejak 12 rabiul awal lepas, sekali pun aku blum sempat lagik baca maulid. hai..takut aku kalau ter "cap" ke-dlm ketogeri umat yg lupakan kekasih Allah - Nauzubillah. Hari ni dah pun 3 Rabiul Akhir.. aku leka.. bila ku tatap entry awan aku teringat pada diri ku. Di manakah aku? Mungkin setakat ini pahala yg dapat aku kumpul hanyalah dari segi tanggungjawab ku sebagai anak, isteri & ibu mungkin juga kalau sempat perbuatan baik ku yg aku lakukan dlm hari2ku (itu pun kalau ikhlas). tapi bagaimana pulak dengan tanggungjawab padaNya .. tak kan cukup dgn yg lima saje? - inilah yg aku rasa setiap kali aku baca Nota Sampingan di awan putih. hehe Awan, inilah yg dikatakan berdakwa tanpa sedar.. dua tiga hari aku dan lovey banyak berbicara tentang kerja. Dah 2 hari berturut lovey terpaksa berbicara 4 mata dgn orang2 bawahannya (yg baru & lama) .. i like the way he tackle the matter so far, Insyallah they'll change for good. Yang peliknya, ada satu budak baru tuu bi...

crazy nutty me

pagi nie on pc check blog and kene kick kluar. panik jab i tot my work place bar me from entering blogspot. gie kat WTL and mengadu i tink, dgn tak secara langsung WTL ni jadi tempat mengadu i kot hehe (thanks sis), lagipun tak kan nak ngadu kat kroll pulak (hehe saje nak carik kesempatan type nama kroll..btw kroll what u think of lagu2 peterpan.. dah dengar kan?) sejak dua menjak nie lun suka banget seh dengan si Nazriel Illham aka ariel. muka dia, suara dia.. haiyok, tak sanggup lah cam anak2 sekolah plak..time skolah pun tak gini rupa. Before ariel it was Anuar Zain and before that..entah mungkin tak de kot. anyway, tersentap jugak lah bila baca pasal ariel gf dah hamil and he's bizi with show and konsert..aduh ko' jadi gini. Tapi rasanye dia tetap cool and recently been voted most sexy artist or something like that.. *Bang!* reality check, at the moment im a fan of Peterpan and love the lead's voice that's all. hehehe actually, today am mentally tak focus. i jok...

smua utk kita

i love to read advertisement on the road. Good adverstisement deserved to be read ova and ova again. yet am totally disturbed by the latest male model appear in levi's - Hang Out: square cut jeans . Did u guys noticed him..muka dia cam manusia menyerupai setan. am not trying to hina ciptaan Allah..but am talking abt the look and image that they creating on the model urrgghhh terrible can't stand it!! smlm ibuk dapat periuk kaca 5ltr corningware nyer..buk, suka nampak hehehehe tak sangka by blogging i dapat banyak brothers & sisters. A pure friendship based on uhwah. Am so blessed. Adren , love to see u here... cam ler hang tak tau hehe Awan , i always know u to be the sensible one. Keep up the good effort. Your realisation towards Allah makes me realise how much i dah slack padaNya ..Insyallah, lets work together menuju yg Satu the rest .. as always, lun sayang korang smua.. Annoucement: Our brader Danny Hussainy got his exam results!! As expected, Our Kepten Danny got a...

tentang Dia dan Saya

2 minggu lepas teman sekantor took leave untuk ke JB kerana mau nonton "Tentang Dia" . semangat 46 betul dier nie nak nonton filem hasil karya penulisan cerpen Melly. heh, i gie baca kat internet jer abt the movie so far blum rasa the kick to watch pun. Dari feedback yang lun dapat Tentang Dia nie slow baaanggettt.. so i guess, the movie has to wait. (kalau ada sesapa fikir sebaliknya let me know k) In the mean time, smlm.. i watch "Eiffel ... im in love" hehehe.. orang sibuk cerita filem baru lun masih kat takok lama. the last time i watch this movie, rasa cam haiyok!! kenapa hero tak sehensem ranggan? But yesterday, decided to give the movie a 2nd chance. I watch the 2nd disc in the afternoon and terus in love.. so last nite abt 12 midnite decided to watch the whole movie again with lovey. oh Eiffel... im in love with the movie!!! Smlm, lovey and me beli cakes for our mothers..and makan bersama dgn seluruh anggota famili. Hari ni, im meeting adek, we ...


smlm ova kat SCTV (ind ch)ada Peterpan - katakan dgn indah starts at 22.00 WIB (waktu indonesia barat). kira 11 mlm lah tuu time kita. it turn out to be a live konsert fr Bandung. was great to watch them esp ariel mendongdangkan all the songs from their new and old albums. I guess thats loveys gift for me for mother's day. I get to be enjoy watching tv without disturb. Love u Ayang. shanti got her mother's day gift. Baby Vittesh pass the hearing test. Alhamdulilah Shukur..

hapi ibu day to me

im nervous. nervouse cos am gonna register adib for skool. sounds lunatic but maybe the nervousness is more on melangkah kan kaki ke gerbang anak2 persekolahan. another steps in my life..tangan sejok, nervous giler..butterfly in my stomach. heh, motherhood..wat can i say.. HAPPY MOTHERS DAY TO ME and to all mothers' out there!!


Kesabaran yg Indah. itu yg aku pohon kerana bila dah penat atau tak sihat kesabaran ku mudah melayang. itu lah yg berlaku sejak dua menjak ni.. aku suka membisu kerana menahan sabar, tapi bisuku bagaikan gunung2 di indonesia yg kembali aktif akibat tsunami and gempa. today am leaving office slightly early cos nak registerkan dibdib for "playgroup" starting next year. Shan is bringging her baby for hearing test kat KK Hospital. Totat, i can still hear u sexy voice laughing over this "KK" term. To the rest, KK = Kandang Kerbau. I was born there... moo mooo Hepi Weakent forks.. & Slamat menyambut hari IBU. to my IBUK - Chek Puan Aini, we owe u so much Buk. Doa ku pohon utk mu u


Hari Lahir hari ni my anonymous sista meninggalkan zaman 20-an nyer..jgn sedih oks welcome to the club. We're just being matured nothing else. Wish u all the happiness with ur love ones. (am cracking my head lah, u nak apa this year?) Hari Ini 9 yrs ago when i came to apply for a job, she's the one yg choose me to work in the dept that im currently in. But working under her was kindda "hell". i was lucky cos she took unpaid leave and fly to shanghai to be with her hasband. abt 2 yrs back,she joined the organization again but was posted to a diff dept. Phew.. i was glad. Today, she join her old dept. where i am...uuurrggghhhh things change so is people. Im trying to play the "make believe" game. See lah if im lucky cos i'll be working with her again!!! this morning she asked me if im married... she got a shocked when i told her "yes, married with 1 kid" Danny said he's doing just fine juggling things: work, teach & study. But will upda...


tergerak hati nak check email, the new mail bring smile to my face. tho the last time i was kindda irritated dgn Dia (hmm..terasa cam Dia ni suddenly asyen bangettt..) but again, hei what can i say or do? simpan dlm kocek jerlah...typical virgo i suppose hihi ive read thru cerita dia. feels like ol time again. tak pernah jelak, just happy to be part of jernel dia. Jelos pun ada bila dia bertemu ariel. my dibdib call ariel "abang achem" (as in hansome) hmmm..i've bn holla abt Bintang Di Sorga dari dulu tapi tak caya!! glad Dia beli - 100% guarantee syiok... On 2nd thot: what happen after u confirm he's ariel? Tak tegur ke? Abt 2 yrs ago.. My adik was doing a survey kat Orchard rite infront of Heeran, skali tu ternampak Duta & teman2 On7 tengak relek2 kat situ.. She approached them and suruh buat survey sambil berbual2 and bergambar sekalll... hmm..wat happen to the rest of my virgo frens ye..


pagi nie.. i ok ajer cuma few hiccups here and there. sampai rumah ibuk, no sarapan except for morning nescafe. at first i was bit sad, wat to do ibu sedang cuci baju sibuk lah dia agaknye...ok lah i pour my coffee to the water bottle and ciou. tertinggal 3 bus.. tapi tak kuasa sebab at least i get to drink my coffee at the bus stop and kindda sleepy today mungkin kerana few times terjaga & terbatuk2 and the effect of obat batuk too. hmm, shanti took a box of tissue from my desk and still tak return. tak suka lah sifat gitu, but dia masih running nose lagik hmmm .. and she expect me to open a new box of tissue for myself.. tak suka (lagik) but im not game for another cold war decided to tune in to radio ria and listen to syah ibrahim ajer... topik minggu ni abt ibu. Sebak Senak Sesak (lagi) tersedar seketika, tak patut lun ada perasaan marah ngan ibuk sebab tak de sarapan. aiyok!! dah beranak satu pun masih nak harapkan ibuk. sedar sedar sedar lah ...
Bicara Siswa watch it last saturday out of curiousity. the forum was abt media gd or bad. three speakers (of which 2 are undergrads and a professor) and a moderator. the 2 undergrads open the floor, lovey and me were kindda excited to see how the discussion would go on.. and urrggh, a live show from UIA (maybe) was such a dissappointment. i salute the 2 students but thumbs down to the moderator yang tak abis2 mencela, sarcastic and maybe he wants to play physcology by being such a a** but its not working and the professor yg keep on saying "saya rasa..." goodness he keeps on picking abt kejayaan pelajar kat sana sini. C'mom dude ur addressing something abt what the students are already know. Why dinch u pick on something more challanging for the students or dare them on something new or etc etc... i pity the other two esp that malay boy, he was so good and cool. yet i can't even make out what his name is cos the font was sooo damn halus and tiny!!! Ya Allah.. lovey an...