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Showing posts from October, 2012

Eidul ADHA

Nvr feel this sad for eidul adha, suara takbir berkumandang dan aku sekeluarga tidak akan kemana-mana pun kerana kami down with fever, flu and cough. No lepak-lepak together nampaknya .. *sad*


It's weird being here. Yesterday I saw few of them tattooed boys sitting here probably looking for job and waiting for someone to give them an honest way of making a living. One of them had too many tattooed on his body could be the leader. Everyone was listening to him. They all looked tamed and I hope nothing or no one would disturbed this 'peace' gathering I'm witnessing here. *peace*


I felt my heart suddenly stopped when I came across an old photo of you in FB. I've never seen that pic and Subhanallah, you looked just perfect! Cantik! Your beauty awed me.. I miss you so much and just last Sunday evening when I was all tired from washing and wedding functions, my inner voice told me "eh dah petang, blum call Ibuk lagi". Only to realise that you no longer around. Ayah miss you too Ibuk cos these days only ur cooking style feels delicious to him. You looked so young and manja in this photo, Ibuk. May Allah bless you Ibuk.

Ms L

im so tense!! i don't like it. i don't like this feeling. i just need to sit and type out my feeling before i can continue cooking dinner. Yup, its that bad!. yesterday, was fantastic i get to meet up with some friends since Jun is in town. One thing for sure, it sure feels like school days when im with them. the not so good thing is i started to use the kinky "F" word that Mr Grey used too many times in front for my frends and they started to gawk and comment like "i never dare to use that word" or stuff like that .. and the truth is, i don't either but somehow the word sound so kinky and sexy, and i really thot it is safe to use in front of them. But i am so wrong. Ah shit! i don't think i shld justify my action but i hate to make my friends worry abt me too. there goes the 'prim and proper me'. and my good fren is here for its montly visit. somehow i kindda sad ... Laters, baby Ms L
Jimi's baby is due soon, follow by Cekmi's. Hmm why do I suddenly feels like having one too? A girl would be perfect! Subhanallah, this feeling of having another baby is this for real? There were occasions and possibilities and secretly I'm hoping that it will happen. Life is a bit settle now that Eid is over but preparation for exam is on the way. Kids get a new study table all thanks to IKEA catalogue 2013! Lovey was all excited at least it took away his frustration at work. I could only pray and hope for things to get better. It's a new place.. It's a new world it's all so new for him. Logistic isn't that easy after all. Latest we heard Aunty Jun is diagnosed with 2nd stage of breast cancer. It's all bound to $$ factor and she opt for alternative medication. Astaghfirullah .. How effective can it be?