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enigma mengingatkan lunacy pada diri aku suatu masa dulu. zaman skool dulu org slalu pass remark by saying "sape tak kenal si xxxx tuu, dia kan panas baran" pada satu hari, those words really hurt me. entah asal, just b'cos i slalu naik angin diorang kata i panas baran, tapi tak plak diorang tengok diri diorang yg slenger bachin' slalu buat org lain jadi bodoh .. cam ne aku tak marah??. But i told myself, i need to change to be a better me. eh, aku ni dulu budak decent tau. sedecent-decent manusia yg akhirnya bertekad nak jadi rocker (selepas tengok amy search nyanyi lagi suraya for the 1st time kat rtm1 menjelang dtgnye 1997) and a rocker i be and mix with the low life rather than the high & mighty. I was a gengster paradise seh... pada sape yg kenal. sebab tu marah-marah hehe tapi bila lepas zaman skool, i've change to walk as a person need too. tak terhenjut2 cam hehe ah-meng kat zooo (gelak lah korang ...) and so a new me was born. i keep on changging till i was pull to attend kelas agama kat masjid ... kenali kehidupan dan terus diuji dgn berbagai cobaan yg aku tak leh nak tulis kat sini. LIfe is abt LEARNING. we learn as we grow ... we WORK hard to determine our destiny. iM STILL in that process dude ... and now I am Lunacy. entah brapa lama Lunacy nak idop? entah - mana aku tahu ... hehehehe

anyway, tadi had lunch with adik. marah cam real tapi setakat di bibir sebab sayang tetap ada. rupanya dia gie carik pezen for ibu & dibdib yg b'day nyer jatuh pada hari ahad ini 12 DEC 2004. tadi jugak i gie order cake and request the cake to be decorated with a pic of ibuk & dibdib ...S-M-I-L-E ...

ibuk told me that everything is under control so tak yah buang my annual leave ... i told ibuk tak yah masak .. will buy food tonite. hope ibuk will get to rest bila dibdib tidur. pasal ayah tuu, kita simpan di di dalam peti aje ah ye...

pada smua ..kenapa ye aku rasa tak sepi? hairan, kenapa diri ni terasa cam i always hv u guys to keep me company?? aku tak tau.. pelik tapi benar ataupun benar tapi pelik - ciou


Anonymous said…
bila masa lak Amy nyanyi lagu suraya in 1997 nie..
87 ? but i ingat they used to perform kat Red Rooster in KL belting out songs by Purple, Led Zep and sewaktu ngannya. The rest is history n he is still the best voice locally.
lunacy said…
thanks kroll for highligting the year.hehe u're rite its 1987 .. lama eh? wat were u doing masa tuu?
Anonymous said…
mana rewind button nih..
that time dah 2 thn keje

so hows mum ? tak jd bawa hospital ke ..
lunacy said…
wow, 1985 dah mula kerja ..kalau cam tu, lunacy kene bagi manyak-manyak respeck ngan kroll lah ..hail kroll ..

ibuk kata NO! to H-O-S-P-I-T-A-L. for the time being we all monitor her tempreture lah.
Anonymous said…
happy bday to dibdib
lunacy said…
dibdib would like to say thank you

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