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oh well, its me again..

actually, im so tight with work skang nie. but can't help it lah... most colleagues are out of office either holiday or just wanna stay out of office. saye jer yg tak de plan utk kemana-mana. tot nak gie melaka, bring ibu to kampung halaman nye but ibu fall sick plak. Tot nak ikut frens to KL jer .. but my leave tinggal setotet lagik. so i gie JB jer lah ye...(bleh gitu kroll uhuk uhuk uhuk...)

thinking of going sentosa this saturday ... my workplace organizing family day kat sana ..

im so in love!!!! soo in love..... with u; dibdib. 2 yrs old now and so mischievious. ayoooo tak leh angkat, last saturday happen ada video clip siti on tv (the one yg ada rosyam nor) yeah.. when it comes to the part siti nyanyi "cinta..." u now what dibdib did?? he turned and look at me with smile on his face and said the same word "ciiinnntaaa" arrrrrggggghhhhh... geramnye...sayangnye..jantung pisang ku..

smlm, ada 3 weddings. hahaha .. only managed to sampai ke 2 tempat yg ke 3 tuu kita orang tersesat jln lah... so back to umah ibuk & celebrate b'day!!! haven't got anything for ibuk yet. maybe i'll bring her out one of these days .. and suruh ibuk pilih lah apa ibuk nak.. sama cam tahun2 yg sudah... the cutting cake sessi was soo fun etc etc etc. Alhamdulilah smoga smangat kekeluarga sentiasa mesra, Insyallah.

payday, comes with bonus. hehehe, told lovey to share the joy of getting bonus with our parents cos it makes them happy and happiness will go back to us too. apa-ape jer lah ye :)

so here i am writing abt my daily life again, sharing with u guys abt lunacy. oh, sempat catch 2 j-dorama ova the weekend. wooohooo, happy sanget let.. apa tidaknye lead singer from Luna Sea pun acted in that dorama. J-Rock!!!

eh kroll, how was wkend?
enigma, banyak ke projek?
adren, exam dah mula ke?
azamin, sape tuu?

hope this week will be good for us all.. im sleepy, G-nite :O

last friday, was watching Ikhlas on tv. its a closing program utk kutipan derma for Tabung Amal Aidilfitri. Tiara was there performing Asmaradana nyer with a very strong & energetic performance, cuma tak nyanyi live ler. Taufik the Idol was there... it was his b'day ari tuu. Sungguh jarang penduduk s'pura memberi sokongan kepada artis tanahair... but Taufik was a diff case. Hai, makcik naik ke pentas & cium pipi taufik??! anak dara dtg berpelukan dng Taufik... patut ke? ok ke? senonoh ke? salah taufik ke?? tapi yg menjadi soal skarang ialah .. pengacara pompan tuuu sungguh lah "beauty with no brain" nice enuf to describe kan?? she buat too many blundders ar. unforgiven ones ... dah lah lunacy tak minat sungguh dgn dia .. ni pulak with all this blundders .. makes me wanna write to suria and complain abt her .. did that before maybe now i should write again. sorry haney, i think u better stick to doing commercial. at least u'll be given scripts!!!


Anonymous said…
:}, meriahnye weekend Lunacy. JB pon ok je.
Me, my wkend was at umah mak. Makan tido..

Ngantoknyer. ZZZZZZ....

lunacy said…
eh, why kat JB plak? i tot u fr NS. kroll tak cukup2 relek ova the wkend ke??
Mama Emmy said…
apa plaks kat JB... kroll said kat umah mak die lah... u yg nak gi JB.... so d blurr one you....

am sure there's plenty of changes in Sentosa... d last time i went was with my ex-boyfren.... hehehehe... wonder how is he doing now....

lunacy, sape d mc tu... slenge ek....

with big paycheck this month, biler nak buat tour ke kl nie... mehlah sini, bley kite joli bersama2.... bley tumpang sekaki dua.... hehehehe... kat sini ade berjaya times square, ade genting, ade sunway lagoon, pendek kata, macam2 ada.......

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