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hari ini sibuk lagi seperti hari2 yg lalu .. tapi fikiran tetap mau bercerita disini.. utk bacaan sape ye? been having problem with the broadband at home. at last yesterday we manage to fix it. woohoo... it was kindda late when we go to bed but we were happy. (side track: its funny that some nites u just lay beside the love of ur life not doing anything ..yet u still enjoy such calmness and wonderful feeling of passing the quiet moment as an individual yet still together)

a colleague of mine has been sharing his stories abt having his 3rd kids. it won't be easy but he said he'll find a way to support his family ... last week, he told me that doc said his baby was abt 4 kg, his wife due early feb but he felt it would be earlier.. maybe by end Jan?? .. last tuesday, i received an email from him .. asked for prayers/doa cos his wife gonna give him one more child ... yesterday, thru an email i was inform that the baby had a fractured back bone and receiving care in ICU. this morning i received an email that said baby NurMaria, three days old telah pulang kerahmatullah. to Hakim, tabah & redha dgn ujian dari Allah krn Dia lebih mengetahui.

one of the director and also a good colleague of mine is leaving the organization. Pete is a good man and a ManU fan too. we brought him out for lunch at So Hot - Esplanade. it was my first time there. Nice place ar the big durian some may call. Full of artistic touch. But SO HOT was such a disappointment. Food was nothing great and the waiting hour was too long. Gosh!! lousy lousy ...

hmm.. i never tot im gonna meet new frens thru this blog .. it really suprise me how much i love these people that i met in the cyberworld and how ukhwa can developed in such a short notice... and today, i realized that its not that bad to be 30 and more... i guess age come with maturity and respect. Tho' i never realise it before...

And the best thing is .. to have people who look up to me as their kak lun hehe.

Lunacy - the girl that suppose to be sick in the mind is not insane in the membrane - insane in the brain afterall!!



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