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heh, awan pecah lobang .. tuan lobang dtg bertandang huhu... slamat berkerja Ad. We all are happy for ya. Welcome to the real work... wei, jgn nak main doktor2 okies... hv a safe journey dearie, gonna miss ya nonsense huhu..

reading D's blog this morning.. i smile. smile wide-wide cam advetisement colgate! suddenly terasa cam love is in the air... D put his photo yg sungguh blur..hmm purposely punishing our eyes yg nak sangat tengok how u look like ke Captain???

enigma, u oks tak.. ayo sory to hear u tengah sesak kat tempat kerja... i_mshe, still recovering ke? dun forget to makan obat ya...thedreamer, nice chat yesterday... thanks for refreshing my memory. I love those times too..we snail mail each other.. i did snail mail enig jugak tau. entah dia ingat or not... (am i that caring? bukan nak riak atau bangga.. tapi terasa macam terbuka jendela hati.. siapa aku ini huhu?? maybe my standard of bitching is nothing compared to the real thing agaknya)

i used to update my blog with 1001 clumsy stuff that i did .. enig will be the one laughing pecah perut. but nowadays menda2 cam tu jarang berlaku.. esp bila dah bergelar "kak lun". tapi kan... this morning, while drinking coffee.. skali tuu tumpah!! ayooo, thank God am wearing a navy blue suit so tak le nampak tanda tapi the smell tetap ada.. maybe bley jadi obat penahan ngantuk later on yeeee

im late to work again. am mad for being late sebab my other half can still take his own sweet time... so i smile. malas lah nak bising.. am not my style anyway to nag. and most importantly, i hate to be nagged!!

... it matters so much before but now it is more on hardwork. Hope to be together till death do us apart.

how sexy is your name? Don't bother to check if ur name starts with "Z"

hv a nice day esp to kroll - i didn't forget u, drive safely :)


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