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will u remember me?

its monday and im late again. ibuk called and asked apa kes? hehehe kes yg biasa2 ajer.. hal ehwal dlm negeri yg tak kunjung abis terima terima terima ajer lah.

saturday, our financial planner came and we did our planning. Yawn yawn.. ngantuknyer!! ive forgotten abt a lot of things. Like our objective of having a $1.1M by the time lovey & me retired. so in this coming 31 years we need to slog harder.. kerja giler but itulah kenyataan abt living in a place i call home. errrrhhhh rumah ku berharga $360m tapi cuma sekadar 139 sqm (ajer...err unit "sqm" tu btul ke?) bayangkan what i can do if i go overseas hahaha seberang laut ajer ke M'sia perhaps... i'll get a BIG house!!

me just spoken to Felicity yg baru balik dari KL atas urusan kerja. Abt 6 wks she and the gang kat sana. Tinggal di hotel bukit bintang (dia kata ceiling got leaking and toilet ada problem). But still diorang riang ria di sana. Tak dapat berjumpa Datuk too high up lah but Dato's adelah... (now we understand the diff of "Datuk" and "Dato' " and applause to the team kat KL sebab very nice, co-operative feels like working @ home she said. The food was xcellence better than the hotel food. Lastly, she asked me what is the meaning of "Jaya" cos it puzzle them to see a lot of places end with the the jaya word:

~ BerJaya Time Square ~ Cyber Jaya ~ PutraJaya~ Petaling Jaya~

lun nak tahu jugak why? yuhuuu KLians... got answer tak?

so back to my weekend story, i got migraine from saturday nite to sunday. It was bad lah... to answer WTL questions, i went to the wedding kindda late but was fun seeing people kat sana.. anak2 sedara yg membesar and handsome. huhu my mata only perasan yg boys ajer... and pengantin yg cukup sporting sempat berkaraoke. Well, Slamat pengantin baru to Man & wife. To Pak & Mak Andak slamat mendapat menantu huhu... lun sekeluarga ke oren2 peach haha.. i put on pearls instead of emas hahaha.. my anonymous sis kata i pakai tasbih!!! notti u ehhh....

balik dari wedding plak, lovey's bro-in-law wanna get a broadband from starhub and need our help to go abt it. so we went to tampines mall plaksss... while both man were doing their stuff, me melayan dibdib & nieces tak perasan plaks that i was standing next to a cute mamat hehehehe... yg bestnyer bila we look at each other, he gave me this big smile that makes me go "hmmmm" *action kerut dahi lah*

Lepas tu he said "eh, cikgu kan?"
"ahhhh..." * i smile*

i asked for his name.. Fitriyandi. Yes!! i remembered his cute little face. i have not seen him for abt 10 yrs or more .. he's 22 now and studying. me puzzled too how he can recognize me, when i posed him that questions he said "how can i forget u" ... masyallah, i must hv touched his heart with my teaching, mungkin. Beautiful answer. Love to hear it especially from a quiet boy in class, shy but always ready with a smile everytime i looked at him.

the nite ended after lovey & me when to bro-in-law house to fix those cable and do the installation. Hmmm tired sudah tentu but Insyallah ada yg menghitung segalanya...

cekya, syiok nyer ke PD..
danny, brader ada baca blog from home eh? pepagi buta plaks tuu. thanks thanks
tatot, u feeling better today? or still @ home..
WTL, weekend how? i only managed to watch Sepet 1st cd ajer lah..
awan & adren, the siamese twins hehe
kroll, weekend buat apa tuu?
i_mshe, u dah bizi lagik ke?
enigma, dia nie nak outstation Awana Kijal, Terengganu!!! Jelosss nyer lun....


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