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that's how i should describe it. Last two nites waktu nak pasang alarm on my hp, lun terperasan ada sms baru.. bila lun baca terasa berputar alam semesta itu belum termasuk tangan terketar jantung berdegup (eh, itu biasa kan?) tapi tetap lun bersyukur pada Allah. Lun tak larat nak sujud syukur (desakan ngantuk mungkin) tapi lun tetap jawab sms ittew dan tunggu buat seketika hehehe pastinya tak akan ku dapat reply for sure... so lun & dibdib pun terus hanyut ke pulau kekabu..trying to chase lovey yg dah sampai ke situ sejak dari tadi.. in between of the nite, lun terbangun check on lovey & dibdib and hp. just in case kalau ada sesiapa yg perlukan SOS. But deep down inside lun berdoa agar dia tenang aje.

the thot of him remain in my mind jadi cam satu perkara berat yg boleh buat biol. takpa.. takpa.. in the end, i wrote an entry discarding what happened to him from my mind just to carry on with my day. But semestinya lun tak berjaya. Mungkin saje ini satu ujian utk dia dan utk lun jugek..ujian seperti yg dia kata "sabar sikit ye kak".

pagi tadi, dia dtg & pergi macam orang main cilup-baaa Mood girang tapi hati berperang. Keluhan yg lun nak tahu dah pun dibagi tahu... "i got my wish??" *harsh harsh* touche... tapikan... masih ada satu lagi persoalan di minda. Entah bila agaknya dia nak jawab. apa pun terima kasih kerana berkongsi cerita suka & duka, selagi mampu lun akan tetap di sini..scout's honour (sape ajer yg masuk scout hihihi)

rasanya nothing has change except kita (teman seblogger) become wiser with all the new things happened in our lives. Kita smua bertemu disini dan menumpang kasih serta pengertian yg ikhlas.. kita cuba selami hati masing2 walaupun berbeza tapi dlm perbezaan makin terasa persamaan. kita sama2 mencari cinta & kebahagian yg kita semua idamkan..insyallah dgn izin Allah idaman akan jadi nyata.

Awan, thank u for coming to the rescue. Lunch time tadi lun had to leave for a talk they giving free food lah. But kurang asam diorang tuu, lunch only serves after the talk..and while listening to the talk, i wish that Awan will come to Watts_in and berikan kata2 pujangga pada hati yg lara. In the end, shan & me look at each other, we know we need to get the hell out of that place and we did. there goes my free lunch for the day... but am happy bila lun lihat awan muncul sambil nyanyi riang.. WTL sori, lun terkonfuse lah tadi. Btw my moyang dari HK tapi pasal sedara i tak tau plak. Tot, dah pack baju ke blum? cekya, abang tu mengadu ditinggalkan eh?

lun sayang kamu
(kopiket dayang sajorrk)


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