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Danny the English Lecturer aka very d'innocent -
isnt "SOS" the code used when someone need assistant or help?? ish ish ish ..cili or tomato Dyhy??? hihihihi.. aku gelak riang mlm tadi bila baca. Hmmm READ ur entry, jimi say ur brave eh.. i would have laugh my heart out if u told me the story. No wonder u didnt tell. Kaklar giler lah u nie Danny... Senang btul orang take advantage of u. Kadang2 tuu i pelik, are u sure ur a Virgo?? hmmm... sounded more like a fish as in pieces, that suits u better. On the other hand, ur loneliness scare me lah bro. Glad ur back in one piece. Haiyok, u check-in to a cheap motel what do u expect?? u ingat with the name s'pura jer smua terjamin oleh 5 brothers ke? Lastly, mana photos nyer?? nak tengok...and last request wanna see how u look like now bro plssss.... sure chinese looking malay meh? (another trick to see ur pic hehe) and the ex.... tak bizi ke dia?

"Su" the Cekya aka kanak2 riang -
hmmm ur mood has been going up and down yeah..especially the past few weeks its very unlike you to jadi pemerhati on what's happening. Don't let it continue gurl, tak bagus tau sakit dada.. aiyoh sayanggilah ur body pls. Im sure u know what's bothering u but if u think its out of touch .. forget abt it. Jgn pikir banyak2 sometimes we need to psyco ourself skit.. sebab kata hati dengan kata akal kadang2 cam north & south pole. Hmmm ni mesti pasal hati & perasaan kot.. either jeles or fall for someone...if not, phew wat a relief!! cheer up ya!

thedreamer aka ol'fren -
hmm ur organization tengah bizi buat project apa ni? orang melayu semangat betul berkerja.. tapi tak kan sampai tak pulang??

Awan aka Berarak. mendung. Kelabu -
teringat pulak lagu Alleycats. hope u feeling better today bro .. u'll be stronger again Insyallah.

Wtl aka D'sweetest thing on earth -
Zoo?? hmm .. wat telah happen to all of us nih. are u healing well dear? been bz ke?

Tatot aka d'sane one -
Noah's Ark??? sort of lah.. hey got lots of newcomers kat ur blog these days..hey, u moving from office or pindah room jer?

smlm adek belanja lun & ibuk ke Siam Kitchen - thanks adek. I look at the menu ada green curry. Teringat the green curry that i saw dulu kat blog Adren.. slurp slurp i still think the one in the picture taste better.

Awan, one fine day u & adren bawak lun makan that Green Curry oks. Oh yeah, is Kalsom ur nenek? the women ur respect and love so much? Hope ur dadima dlm keadaan sihat walafiat..

Berjln2 aka shopping kat town hahaha ... Clinic Happy for men still tak de stock for 30 ml hmmm... kaki penat sampai skarang shopping nyer tak seberapa.


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