6 am we were out of the house..weeeeeiiiii
6.30 am reach ibuk house, bid lovey good bye kiss kiss and go...
6.35 am o'ooohhhh mimi (dibdib soft toy cat ala ala bantal busyuk) tertinggal in loveys car
dibdib started to ask for his mimi. Called lovey hp tak idup. hehehe i off his hp this morning, thingking who would want to look for him. tu lah smart ass namanye, lovey remain uncontactable until 7.30am.
dibdib still looking for his mimi... hmmm ibuk said i cannot leave for work without mimi weeeeiiii....
Hari ni pulak ada shortage of manpower there's no way lovey can get out for a while.. so the next thing to do is to halt a cab and go to loveys workplace gie ambik mimi. Tak sempat nak jumpa dia pun. Tempat tuu penuh dng red-tape dapat masuk parking lot pun dah cukup seram sejuk. I was left with no choice but to apply for halfday am leave.
On the way home, i told the apek to pass by ipoh lane. Al-Fatihah to ustazah Ainon Jaafar yg pulang kerahmatullah smlm. A bestfren called and i couldn't recognize her voice. weeeeeiiiii wat a fren lun! yg heran apsal lin sounded like WTL nih??? hmmmm.... lin gie melawat with ani and they forgot abt me. Me relek giler kat umah ibuk instead of gie melawat weeeeeeiiiii
btw, back to ibuk house i watched 2 episode of OC, bit of Gilmore Girls, trim kuku .. makan and weeeeeiiiii on my way to work. But ops, need to order B'day cake for this wednesday. Adek is turning 22... she requested cake from Secret Recipe (S$40). For the first time of my life went to the shop and ordered cake for wed and a slice of banana choc cake (that cost me S$5) for me. Weeeeeiiiiii...
6.30 am reach ibuk house, bid lovey good bye kiss kiss and go...
6.35 am o'ooohhhh mimi (dibdib soft toy cat ala ala bantal busyuk) tertinggal in loveys car
dibdib started to ask for his mimi. Called lovey hp tak idup. hehehe i off his hp this morning, thingking who would want to look for him. tu lah smart ass namanye, lovey remain uncontactable until 7.30am.
dibdib still looking for his mimi... hmmm ibuk said i cannot leave for work without mimi weeeeiiii....
Hari ni pulak ada shortage of manpower there's no way lovey can get out for a while.. so the next thing to do is to halt a cab and go to loveys workplace gie ambik mimi. Tak sempat nak jumpa dia pun. Tempat tuu penuh dng red-tape dapat masuk parking lot pun dah cukup seram sejuk. I was left with no choice but to apply for halfday am leave.
On the way home, i told the apek to pass by ipoh lane. Al-Fatihah to ustazah Ainon Jaafar yg pulang kerahmatullah smlm. A bestfren called and i couldn't recognize her voice. weeeeeiiiii wat a fren lun! yg heran apsal lin sounded like WTL nih??? hmmmm.... lin gie melawat with ani and they forgot abt me. Me relek giler kat umah ibuk instead of gie melawat weeeeeeiiiii
btw, back to ibuk house i watched 2 episode of OC, bit of Gilmore Girls, trim kuku .. makan and weeeeeiiiii on my way to work. But ops, need to order B'day cake for this wednesday. Adek is turning 22... she requested cake from Secret Recipe (S$40). For the first time of my life went to the shop and ordered cake for wed and a slice of banana choc cake (that cost me S$5) for me. Weeeeeiiiiii...