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kejaP dah moNday

time checked

i can't believe it its Monday again. didn't rest much at all and my feet all sore (reading: lengoh).

Friday nite was a nite to watch MI. Becaush of our fren little secret history hehehe - secret ke??

As usual, the ladies showed their talent well with good voices, image or stuff like that. Whot happen to the male contestants?? i just find out that Daniel was among the top3. errrrr... Daniel tu cute sajer suara like a mouse lah and i find his diction teruk. Tak paham pun apa dia nyanyi (maybe bangsa dia banyak yg vote kottt). Kalau nak ikut kan perasaan, i prefer Farish hehehe.. he got a rocker voice (ala ala bush) tapi sayang lagu yg dia pilih sungguh tak se-suay for MI !! After so many times of watching Idols .. i wonder why contestants likes to sing based on songs that they like and not what suits their voice best. Last two weeks, i was kindda disappointed that ash and ejay got voted .. cian kan si adam. ( lun confuse lah between adam and azam, but i noe satu cute looking, lagik satu got good voice). Am sure judges gonna choose one of them in the wild card session. Btw, Taufik Batisah also was choosen during the Wild Card and he became our Idol. Trish and farah deserved to be in but Daniel??? errrrr... and our fren's fren Aesar.. suara dah baik kenapa lah nyanyi gitu?? and Yasir ... did i saw him dress like a girl during the audition??? or was it my tired eyes playing tricks on me.. hmmmm : tolong jawab kan bley? am sincerely wanna noe cos takut nak kene check mata, degrees going up kot..

Saturday turned out to be great. See i told myself .. just go with a +tive attitude Allah will help on the rest. We were out the whole day.. looking for barang2 hantaran. So far so good, hopefully everything will be within the budget. I don't know how my coming soon sis-in-law is... so far she's kindda "funny weird" to me. Lovey and me pening dok pikir pasal wedding as if its our wedding. Tiring lah.. but all tiredness rasa berbaloi bila kita smua gi makan ice-cream kat Swensen. Slurp Slurp!! oh no!! Dibdib loves the cherry tooo!! now i have no choice but to give in to him urggghhhhh!!! hehehehe!!!

Yeah saw i_mshe dok makan2 sefamily. Hey nice meeting u. Umar looks better, hope he has recover by now. Lun put on berat punggung (bukan: badan) hahahha ... worry no more, aku akan stunt itu gym very soon now jeng jeng jeng...

Sunday wedding .. i saw dreamer but tak sempat nak tegur. Pengantin saw lovey and terus bertanya khabak ... aik!! dia lupa aku ke??? ish ish ish ... things never change i guess. But im glad she found a partner. Semoga bahagia dan kekal ke akhir hayat, Insyallah. Lovey met quite a number of his frens kat sana.. Am so penat lah..bila kat umah sibuk dgn basuhan dan kemas mengemas yg sungguh ala kadar..lepas tu rush for wedding and followed by our weekend routine gie umah mak lovey dgn perasaan yg sungguh mengantuk.

today is monday again .. apa story?? I pray that Allah will guide lovey to do a good job today. He got special assignment!


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