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looking at each other, enjoying the moment Posted by Picasa

Wahai pujangga cinta
Biar membelai indah
Telaga di kalbuku
Jujurlah pada hatimu
- ada apa denga cinta

dah lama tak dengar lagu nih, seronok bila dengar tadi pagi kat radio.. teringat rangga dan mukanye yg masam tapi handsome!! hehe

Aku tak percaya lagi akan apa yg kau beri
Aku terdampar disini tersudut menunggu mati
Aku tak percaya lagi akan guna matahari
Yang dulu mampu terangi sudut gelap hati ini
- berhenti berharap

eh, one after another, pagi ni lagu mencuit jiwa betul lah.. i stop from whatever i was doing and take a moment to sit sambil mendengar lagu ini. Tersenyum jab sebab teringatkan Adren dan zaman hibanya .. adehhhh lepas tuu teringat kroll gak. This is the song that lead him to Watts_in.

baru baru ni masa baca newspaper, lun terbaca satu nama ... i was telling myself maybe i should write abt it in my blog. I should call it:
Me and him: Almost a love story

masa tu lun masih menuntut di sekolah rendah.. waktu tunggu bas, dia akan lalu di depan lun, masa tuu dia mununtut di sekolah menengah (Lovey's senior hehe). Kita tak pernah senyum cuma mata jer perpandangan dan jantung macam nak "pocot". (you all know how it feels kan?). Masa lun darjah enam, sekolah lun berpindah ke tapak originalnya just a walking distant dari rumah so kita dah tak jumpa lagik. Kengkadang tuu tercarik2 jugak tapi dia tak muncul.. maybe that is my first experience noticing boys cos there were times when i thot i got some sexuality problem (girls skool mah... plus with my jelocy ova jun hehehehe) Anyway, one fine day.. masa tu lun dah besar sikit and deng deng deng.... I SAW HIM!!! this time around he gave me a wondering look and smile. Ya Allah cair mair lun waktu tuuu... suka sesangat!!! first encounter is always the sweetest. Entah macam mana, sekolah lun masuk bahas inter-collage i think ... and i went to support my seniors. Heh!! what do you know ... he was there upstage opposing my schoolmates. I guess it was a new beginning ... he asked for mine & jun phone numbers ... and we started to talk on the phone and guess what??? years of yearning, admiring, dreaming of him and it turned out there's not chemistry between us AT ALL!!!!. Itu yg pelik tuuu we didn't even want to try to get to know each other cos there were nothing AT ALL. Pure friendship i think .. and he show interest in Jun instead. Awwwww!! Am not jelos at all but i told jun as a gd fren i don't apporve of him!!! Me and jun had fun time bitching abt him ... Looking back, i have no regret at all. We are all married with kids. These days, my ibuk and him become members!!


ok lah nak gie bank to settle some bill.. happy days!!

~ ive terminated my monthly contribution to the NKF. Feeling bit guilty for not helping the needy but i keep on assuring myself that the organizatio will do just fine.

~ planning to go for steaming bath next week onwards..need to burn those fats..

~ read Farid's interview with ayah pin. gosh! he's way talking tak ubah macam pakcik2 yg duduk di warong2 minum kopi pagi ke mlm. Pelik: macam mana bley tak cukup syarat nak tahan dia plak??!!

pssttt:I was laughing out loud bila a fren kata kalau malas nak baca pasal ayahpin, baca lah kisah ayappan. Dia kata lagik, Ayah Pin s/o Paper Clip, adik-beradik tiri BAPAK PENITI dan

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our dating port


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