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hot and steamy

oh!! it was hot and steamy... shan and me entered the room holding hands cos we can't see a thing!! Berasap dude!!! for half an hour the two of us sat in the smokey room relaxing ourself. Right before that i asked shan "ur not afraid being alone in the room with me?" hehehehe shan gave me this worried look and told me to stop my nonsense and we both laugh. That's how shan and me - i loved to tease her.. with all my nonsense. It was hot ... sometimes i just can't see shan who seated at the other coner of the room. Woi!! takut kappa??? After half an hour.. the steaming stopped. The smoke going off and i told Shan "hmm not bad at all eh, maybe next time we can strip naked" again her eyes yg bulat tuu gimme that disapproved look and she said she knows im gonna said that. hehehe betul ke shan???

We relex awhile .. admiring our "beautiful body" hahahaha told shan .. let's imagine we are the bikini model .. and the laughter continues... the cold shower was great. I didn't turn red .. hey, ni bukan sun tanning and i bukan "kenek-kenek udeng".

Sambil bernyanyi:
uhhhhhh benci aku
uhhhhhh sebel aku
uhhhhhh genki aku
uhhhhhh BENCI !!

everyday dengar lagu giler from projeck pop i think am goin insane tooo.

Danny jgn fening lah..
Awan lun mati akal tak tau cam ne nak komen ur blog tuu.. kalo letak lagu di atas bley tak? hehe
ligo, my full report kat atas uhhh!! feel so fresh...
i_mshe, hmmm aku masih fening. Ko nak carik back-up?? male or female nih?? ish!!

am shy...

yesterday i stop by bugis right after work. My intention was to look for some necessary attire. Masa lun melihat2 sambil berangan2 a sales gurl approached me and asked "u going for exercise is it??" amak!! *tepuk kepala* segan beb.. looking at the nearby mirror oh!! its that obvious ke?? hahaha

this morning, i go to work with 2 bags. Oh!! apsal lah aku nervous nih stakat nak gie mandi jer pun segan. *Malllluuuuu* am not use to this but i need to do something different before i turn 31 hehehe. Tapi tak-paaaa tak-paaaaa smlm tengok nasha aziz aduh!!! perfect skalll dia nih. I think she's one actress yg lun suuukkaaa bangattt. She never fail to make me smile with her acting. She shall be my inspiration, damn good figure she got there.. must always think big kan walaupun lun tahu tu sekadar hangat2 tahi busyuk jer hehe.

king fahd passed away smlm 1st Aug 05.

Tiga digantung kerana seks


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