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i was caught red-handed in the office - CRYING while watching Gilmore Girls (GG).

its not the first time ive cried b'cos of GG but this time around someone from another Dept saw me. She must think i got a big issue in my head. Again, i hv to stress that i love GG. I would want dibdib to hv those strong bonds with lovey and me. I want dibdib to know what's in my head and what am gonna say even when im not saying it. I want a strong family bonding that when we apart we'll die.. gosh! i just don't understand why people didn't watch GG. It is a tv show better than 7 heaven with good family values too. ahh!!

btw, i wrote an entry this morning about my last nite visit to Is and lin's house. I got too caught up with what happened last nite that i've decided to write to Jun. I've posted the letter to her.. btw, earlier entry was like this..

hari raya always bring back ol' memories. apa tak nyer bila sanak saudara, jiran tetangga, sahabat handai dah bersua muka pasti sikit sebanyak mengingatkan kisah lama.. sebab tu lah raya nih masa yg terbaik mengeratkan talian yg terputus itu pun kalau berkesempatan. Smlm lun ke rumah Is. Is was my senior.. she likes me so much that i'll become her little sista. I met her on and off on the road but last nite i told lovey to give her a visit. She was happy. Enigma, Is asked about you too. She must hv miss u too sis. Do you know kak Dewi is now in UIA?? Danny maybe bley jadi spy to check on our cute senior tuu huhu ... and I heard, Faezah (Enigma's buntallazi errr astaghfirullah) is still not married. Heard she found someone but her dad dinch like .. they want to find an Arab for her .. but i think Arab jer tak mencukupi sure her family nak someone rich too. I dono lah.. later after that i went to lin's house. Thank God aka Alhamdulilah i remembered to behave myself. I let lovey do the talking, i dinch interrupt cos lin's husband a bit extremist (hahaha) so i played a wanita muslimah role but im glad so see lin and her two kids. Thru my observation, i realised lin is now very "wanita solehah aka ibu mithali" style. But when we alone she's still herself.. and i like that. Im bum ova what i see.. its not as if she's miserable or what .. cuma different. She was happy to see me .. i can see that in her eyes.. and when i let her hear jun's voice ova my office phone voice mail .. i know she misses jun a lot. God, am so emo suddenly. Have not heard from ani so far.. maybe soon.

as usual, am sleepy now ..zzzz

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