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since lepas raya .. i asyik terperap kat office jer. Kadang-kadang makan .. kadang tu tak. So today, i dah penat berblog dan kerja .. i want to go out and eat!!! So tadi i join the guys pergi makan kat Banquet (Raffles hospital branch). Lepas makan lepak kejap kat CoffeeBean .. and then off we gooo naik 131 balik office.

So kak lis nak dengar pasal wedding tempoh hari eh? akan aku cuba cerita sebaik mungkin almaklum aku tengah kene serang sindrom malas menaip!!

The Wedding
We ols came on friday to "tunjuk muka". Looks like semua di tangung beres so no such thing as rewang anymore. All taken care by the wedding planner (too bad it wasn't J Lo). One thing to describe, it was a beautiful wedding. The pelamin, the hiasan .. u just asked for coffee or tea .. they will get it for u. Cam ala ala gie hotel but ini kat bawah blok lah.. (orang s'pura rata2 tinggal kat umah pangsa jer!!). Lovey asked the bride's father .. berapa he spend for all the makan and etc. He said he dono anything .. its all in a package, he paid 20K for it. Lovey and me just angguk2 jer lah ... dlm hati geleng-geleng kot.

The pengantin bedroom sure cantiklah .. but errr someting lacking ar so i figure i still prefer my bilik pengantin kot!! hehe the bedroom set .. ah! beutiful. I dinch asked how much .. cos ada yg dah tanya but they all tak cakap how much. But quality wise very good. So sure mahal ar tu.

Nikah was on saturday. I came late cos lovey tak mau dtg for nikah. Adek kata the groom cakap peeelllaann sangat so duno lah ... hari nikah happened to be the bride's b'day so bride dapat 2 pasang kasut, baju dan selendang. Hmmm...
pengantin nampak bergaya tapi kurang seri. Apsal eh?? used to thick make-up (maybe)

overall .. semua berjalan lancar. By noon gitu, semua ahli keluarga pengantin tukar baju. Ada time slot to tukar baju lagik!!. So mak, bapak, adik2 pengantin semua tukar baju dari hujau ke kuning air. Ish... *golo de eh* (korang jgn tanya apa bendenyer tu cos my arwah moyang yg suka cakap gitu (agaknye orang melaka shld faham *hink2* kat wtl). I guess bila semua berjalan lancar, sedara mara jadi penat duduk dan berdiri cos tak de benda nak buat kecuali berbual sajer. Majlis berlangsung sampai mlm... the groom and the bride, dari mata kasar memang tak nampak padan. Apsal rambut dan janggut tak disusun kemas??? Fesyen kot??

i dinch stay until the majlis end and i also dinch take any pictures cos ... *angin tak mau ambik gambar lah tu*
but the next day, lovey kene ceri-beri. My colleague's bro oso went to the wedding and kene ceri-beri... few of us kene actually .. so how??

selamat pengantin baru didi dan sham semoga mahligai yg dibina berkekalan hingga ke syurga.


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