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Wats with the ChubbyCheek?

yesterday while reading thru my daily blogs, i stucked on cekmi's entry and can't help feeling "bahagia" over what this bro of mine is going thru right now. Scrolling down to his previous entry, i saw him smilling .. and those cheek!!! when i turn and look at the mirror, hehehe i realise that i got ChubbyCheek!! Still feeling wonderfully happy i gave myself a nick name. I come to realise that being chubby is one thing but feeling happy is another .. so im contented with myself with what Allah has granted me. You see, last sunday, ive attended a walimah and my auntie commented that now me and lovey "duduk sama tinggi, berdiri sama besar". I told her "that's what you call pasang ideal, jgn jeles" hahahaha ambik kau!!!

this saturday pulak, there will be another wedding. Meaning, more rooms to gossip. For sure they gonna comment someting abt me.. only few more days to go, where got time to diet??Furthermore today got "big makan" again. So just have to prepare myself, not to get emo ova it. Takpelah .. i try to get prego and then after that one shot i sign up kat slimming centre oks.

enigma is having hard time in the office. back stabber, hasad dengki.. ish Nauzubillah. But i know she's a "power lady" sure can get ova it. Btw, jgn lupa baca "ayat kebal" everyday ok kak! Dah jgn merajuk dgn blog lagik .. keep on writing oks. Magic oso close her blog. I envy her from far, admire her strong character. Been reading her blog but dinch dare to leave any mark "segan". Lately, things doesn't seems to be ok .. i would love to know abt her again. in the meantime, love doesn't comes easy. Need to be furtilized .. cekya is back in action. Infact, she's getting superb with her those lances .. am happy for her. Wtl, maybe u shld consider working with Re companies in Sg. I cian u lah gurl .. but when life gets harder .. u get tougher. Keep smililng. Awan, bagi lah kita orang chance comment kat blog u tuh.. am still in love with that song lah. Tatot, ur urat still tersimpul ke?? imshe .. still OD? ligo, menghitung hari kot.. zuhri, so ever fofular in the blog world. Ari and kak lis .. hope to bump into both of u one day. eh today i gie toapayoh tau!! lunacy the chbbycheeks is addicted to ariel voice again..


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