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yusuf, lukman, mariam?

i guess after reading cekya's blog.. this song from BonJovi suits the mood. Im not too sure what's happening? major break-up or what .. but it sure makes her sad these days. Sorry dear to see u like this. Cerita cinta nih tak de akhirnya kan? How abt kita back to basic? which means kalau nak pasangan lelaki yg baik banyakkan baca surah yufuf dan lukman dan pada yg lelaki baca surah mariam. Errr.. tak kan base on nama plak eh?? or maybe banyak kan baca surah Waqiah. Pendek jer surahnya.. kerana antara fadhilat surah Waqiah ialah murah rezeki. Rezeki dtg dlm macam2 faedah kan? so why not selagi kita hidup pun kita sibuk mencari rezeki jadi sambil tuu add lah lagik satu aktivi harian. Insyallah lagi barakah.

im no master in love either but just remember bila bercinta jgn invest banyak sangat... takut bila dah banyak invest, lepas tuu tak bawak untung kita jugak yg bankrut!! oh well, like awan said in his blog .. "Macam jatuh di timpa malapetaka" tapi kalau di lihat dari sudut yang lebih luas Insyallah segala yg berlaku pasti ada sebab yg terdalam yg kita tak dapat lihat.

oh well, smlm i dinch gie doctor. Tak de time hehe. Hv a nice day semua!!


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