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look away, baby look away ...

hehehe am wearing my new maternity pants to work today, my tummy dah start showing tau and as usual when i board the bus semua started to look away. At least today im wearing my normal clothes so tak berapa obvious macam yesterday. Anyway, my baju semua longgar giler so maternity macam tak necessary sangat lah buat masa nih. But yesterday was fun, me as usual with my smilling face even when i was sitting alone at the bus stop. The uncle bus looked at me and gimme a wide wide smile ... ofcourse i smile back. Then a Bai riding a bicycle pass by me .. he too was actually looking at me .. so hehehe i smiled at him and he smile wide wide at me too. Alahai, senyum kan sedekah, lama nabi dah ajar cuma baru2 nih sempena S'pore 06, PM galakkan kita sepaya banyakkan senyum hahaha... anyway, these days i got a trick on how to make the bus stop right infront of me and not infront of some sexy pretty lady .. You know what i do??? I rub rub my tummy!!!

anybody watch SI2? this time around macam syiok ar .. cos those that we think will go to the next round seems to come true. Btw, ada sape2 perasan tak muka hady tuu ada imbasan ariel peterpan? now i can't stop looking at his face huhu..

anugerah skrin lagik satu hal, mamat yg hansem smua dah kluar.. so biarlah sape nak menang. But last monday show was real funny cos at last suriany showed her true coloured. Abt time kan? thanks for being so bitchy to a young and naive girl beb. At last anugerah skrin show bit of its "essence of reality". I had fun reading pple sms abt the whole scene.

my attempt to change the template blum berhasil lagik, the pink template is getting into my nerves, apsal eh?. I think the male hormone in me is growing by the day. errr due to the baby that am conceiving now lah (what were you guys thinking eh?). Now is the best season not to sleep .. cos World Cup tengah ON!!! At this point of time, i don't bother much abt which country i want to see winning the Cup. What's important is to watch those players kicking their butt real hard and give me a good game to watch.

Btw, after few days on not having the appetite to eat .. smlm i makan banyak!! I ate Ayam Penyet Ria!!! masakan asal suroboyo .. mentang2 lah peterpan coming to perform kat HardRock, tak dapat tengok diorang, makan makanan diorang pun jadik ar.


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