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who moves my placanta?

i want to share sunday pics here but i guess that can wait cos i got news to share...

first of all, thanks for the get well wish for lovey, Alhamdulilah by sunday his tempreture finally goes down to normal. Two days of high fever really used up all my energy. Hai sape tak sayang lakik kan? I cook porridge for him .. boil barley and the kembang smakok thiggy. Put ice pack on his body lah.. Its all pay off... now he's up and cheerful dah bley start MEMBEBEL plak hmmmm maybe i prefer him to be sick kot???

next story is abt my pregnancy. Yesterday when for my check-up again. Alhamdulilah baby is growing well. Exactly like how a 19weeks old baby suppose to grow .. i saw his hand and legs keep on moving and kicking it really brought tears to my eyes .. doc even scan from the side of his buttock so we can see lah what ever "in-between" tuu. My blood test is also showing good results. My blood count is 13.5 which means i have enuf blood as reserves. I gain 1kg this time so currently Im 58.5 kg. But the not so good news is - the baby placanta is right at my "opening". Very low indeed .. which means i can't walk too fast, i can't carry heavy stuff and No STRESS. If the placanta dinch move till my due date .. i may not be able to go for normal birth as the "opening" has been block. No sex too cos it can cause bleeding. So from now on if there's sign of blood, I need to call my gynea right away.

Hmmm ... im kindda cool with the news but at the same time am kindda scare of the possibilities. Doc said we will have to let the placanta moves naturally .. no urut or exersice!! So i told my baby "kimi" (errr .. not awan's cat ok) to try and moves the placanta slowly .. no rush cos he got plenty of time to work on it .. and he responded!! Subhanallah... the magical of Allah creation.

So u guys pun harapnye doa2kan lah utk kesihatan dan keselamatan i ok.


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