i bought shoes for ayah and spec and bed sheet for ibu. Another hole in my pocket but i think its worth it. Aku cuma nak mrk happy .. dan aku nak share apa yg aku ada dgn mrk. walau pun tak banyak tapi yg penting mrk happy. Fil and Mil pun cam gitu jugak. Fil need to be happy so he can recuperate fast and mil looks tired these days. I was touched when Fil said he likes the raya photo of lovey,me and dibdib. I gave it to him plus with the rest of raya photo of him and his brothers .. i sure snap lots of pics of him hehehe...
yesterday i went to the library again. borrowed 2 sandra brown and 2 malay novel for ibuk and Bil (bro in law). I want bil to learned how to be a romantic .. hope it work this way .. i did strange stuff kan? btw smlm while i was searching for books i prasan ada orang walked behind me, so i turned and look. Hmmm funny thing the man who was walking looked at me too and tetiba jer stop berjalan. The moment felt so long cos i got the chance to scrutinize his face tapi secepat kilat aku teringat yg dah kahwin dan ada anak pun so i turned away .. pehw, thank God he dinch stop and talked to me. hahaha ni kira cerita makcik prasan ar nih hehehe...
kimi is having running nose. he's been crying a lot .. lovey plak on 12 hrs shift today. hump!!
Happy Maal Hijrah semua, semoga kita lebih bertaqwa dan rajin mendekatkan diri dgnNya, Amin. Maybe the next time i blog will from office. Take care all and smile!!