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Cakap TV

smlm Ligo said she wanted to start becoming "tv addicts" again. Hmm interesting, plan dia kan? Maybe the time is right jugak. Bukan apa, after a while tv programme jadi mendak dan melayan anak2 dah cukup mengambil masa hingga ke 12 mlm hehe itu kes aku lah.

Last sunday ch. 5 started showing Ugly Betty. I wouldn't say its very good but ok lah since it won some award recently. They say: Ugly is the new Beauty, yeah right why do pple still bias?? one interesting encounter smlm waktu dlm bus a lady board the bus looked exactly like Betty but without braces. Entah melayu ke, china ke, apa ke i duno. Carrying laptop and handbag she wanted to sit beside me .. well guess what happened? she lost balanced!!! eh eh sama kan? i got up from my sit and let her to her sit instead.

Yesterday nite plak ada Amazing Race followed by 1st episode of Desperate Housewives. Its been 3 weeks Rob&Amber still in the lead hmmm lovey puzzled dan tak puas hati tak kan lady luck sentiasa on their side kan? Maybe they smarter than the rest of the team or maybe they just .. err lucky??. I got a chance to watch bit of drama melayu on Suria - Paradigma cos ada my all times fav. Suzaire Sumari. Entah watched for the drama or just to see his acting hehehe .. Desperate Housewives was next. Seriously i lost touched of the last season .. so on this new season i totally kindda lost! maybe kene gie baca spoiler after this hehe. Apsal Jake or John (i forgot his name) in coma eh? sape tau?? But yg paling tak tahan when bree had an orgasm .. she thot someting was wrong with her, siap gi check-up hahaha ... mamaEmmy carry bag LV jer dah macam having orgasm maybe bree needs to meet mamaEmmy to get the theory right!! bley??

nip/tuck- seriously i can't stand this one. Tho i watch a bit yesterday .. I can't wait for the season to finish cos after this my darling Gray's Anatomy Season 3 will be on air!!! Oh yes.. lovey and me can start hogging infront of tv again and get all excited and malenkoli again : )
so mlm ni ada sesape nak tengok Diary Datin my fav nasha looking pretty-pretty macam audrey hepburn sey!! From tuesday to friday sibuk tengok Now u can Dance (Sg version) and American Idol jer lah, itu pun kalau sempat plus friday nite ada Survivor + Engine (drama jepun with chinese subtitle abuk pun i tak faham but i get to watch Takuya Kimura!!).

This is my tv life hehehe teruk kan? Penuh dgn tv!! bley jadi hantu tv gitu But tak janji i tengok smua .. one more thing, kalau sempat tengok lah i forgot what's the title Nanny or something abt raising and taking care anak2 yg degil tu hehehe ...

lastly, smlm jugak i baru tahu sape tu Rashid Salleh, he's a comedian!! Dats new to me .. i thot i saw him acting wif erra fazira in mr cinderalla... hihi agak2 jer. But to menyingkap kenangan lebih 10 tahun dulu, waktu mula2 bertemu lovey di bilik exam tuu i thot he looked like Alex To!! Sape yg pernah tengok Alex To berlakon with his thick black frame glasses arrr tu lah how lovey looked like.

OH DEAR!! WE JUST HAD A SHAKE!! TREMOR OR WATEVER.. THE BUILDING was SHAKING - my desk and chair and all of us at 24th floor!!. gOT EARTHQUAKE ANYWHERE?? IF anything happened to me, maaf zahir & batin ok. i love u ols so much ESP MY FAMILY AND LOVEY!!


Yati WTL said…
was worried abt you when cekya called and asked me to check out ur posting today.

both of us was worried about you. Alhamdulillah, everything was okay.
Anonymous said…
you pun..tapi memang lah, when i called my hubby, he said "exit, exit the bldg"

Memang pun nak exit,my lunch time, went to KFC.

my tv lagi mendak compared to you, at the moment it's just CSI, every tuesday nite. that's the time, i will snack on twisties and coke, with hubby.

all those programmes you mentioned, i tak tengok, tak sempat, or I lupa nak switch on tv and check what's showing
lunacy said…
hehehe .. i was abt to post this entry when the "shaking" started. So purposely put it in lah.. buat gempaq! Alhamdulilah nothing happened but so nice to be able to share latest updatest with u all.

ligo, siap dgn snack and coke? we all normally sambil rehat atas katil watched tv kengkadang tv watched kita plak :)
Mama Emmy said…
apart from all you mentioned... there is another one yang betul2 happening kat sini is HEROES... kat sana dah main ke... memang best... 'hiro nakamura'... huhuu

i am so into CSI, CSI NY, CSI Miami... back to back... imagine 3 hours stuck on TV... SCARYYYYY
lunacy said…
HERO pernah tengok. Heroes tak plak.. CSI is ok but i prefer criminal mind. back to back .. tak mabuk ke Mi?
Anonymous said…
OMG! nothing broken after the quake, rite? not even your heart? hmm..

talking abt tv, i have also become a tv addict. grey's anatomy, ugly betty, desperate housewives, heroes, american idol, gangstarz, and coming soon.. AF! haha..
lunacy said…
hahaha tak cuma mabuk jer..its like ur head keep shaking u know and thanks for sms :)

hahaha ramai btul rakyat jelata yg abiskan time kat tv kan? gangstarz judges a bit err "funi" dun u think? so the singaporean pun gi m'sia to take part eh? i tak paham sangat ar..

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