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lovely moments on snapshot - kenangan terindah

check that eyeskimi big eyes this was taken last nite, when he was wide awake. My darling bushuk ni is such a goody-goody. Currently he loves to play peek-a-boo and his fav word or rather his first sound was "booboo". Ahak! i miss his smell already...

Superman!marvel hero dibdib - our superhero wannabe

Ipoh white coffee - anyone?Ipoh WhiteCoffee eversince cekmi wrote abt the whitecoffee i kept on wondering how good does it taste.. better than black coffee (maybe). Found a 3-in-1 Ipoh WhiteCoffee in ShenSheong. After few times of hesitation .. lovey said "quit starring at the coffee can? just grabbed it lah" hahaha so far, no regret!!

dessert for lifeindulge who can resist? brownie wif ice cream on top, strawberry, chocolate&nuts topping.. slurp slurp i tell u.

parting momentoparting momento nothing fancy just a silver bangle wif engrave names on it..

yatyat - 11/5 a nite before departureIts for Yat, she left for Melbourne.

"Oh darling dear.. now we hv more reasons to fly there kan kan kan?"

hidup ini adalah tentang kesederhanan and kesyukuran. pastikan kita tidak lupa ittew. kalau kita sedar, kita pasti akan bersyukur.


aqriz said…
yes, yes, yes, takde reason pun, memang patut gi Melbourne, then you will find reason to go melbourne, every year ;-P
Anonymous said…
actually i quit drinking coffee. white or black. hehe
lunacy said…
every yer ligo? hmm nanti lah tunggu budget air start.

cekmi, potong steam btul..tapi takpe i still nd my coffee after gone thru rush hr..
I_mshe said…
indulge kat mana tuuuuuu??? sedapnyeee
lunacy said…
chita, dat pic taken kat swenson vivo lah.. nothing to do with the cake shop indulge opp jln pisang.
jimi said…
Jimi drinks coffee ocassionaly je. Tea is always the best choice. No latte, pls.
I_mshe said…
Tea ade latte eh?

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