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mimi oh mimi

two boys and a mimi

two boys fighting for a cat. One took the tail and stuffed to his mouth the other got angry. Woishhhh mommy and the rest of the whole wide world tried to find a solution. The famous cat was non other than Mimi. mimi

Mommy & Daddy been looking for Mimi but elek!. Last week, i got few sisters to keep a lookout for Mimi .. hehehe spread the burden less headache. Oh i found Mimi online in the far away land USA errr too far ... yesterday, i found Mimi in Malaysia. Purchased it online and thanks to the blog sahabat i got cekya to pay for it (in advance) all thanks to Ligo's bright idea. How's that?? hehehe

so who's coming to SG again? or anyone going KL??? i wanna pass cekya her $$ hehehehe...

Alhamdulilah it is a bless to have u all - THANKS!!

On a serious note:
we all grew up together. a whole group of cuzens born in the 70s. 3 gerls all married (kid-less, 2 kids and divorcee) & 4 boys (solo, a longterm gf, married and soon to be engaged wif a most hated gf among the cuzens). True, its up to us the so called A-dult to choose who we wanna end up wif. But at least take a look at the surrounding, minah kau koyak lah..


Yati WTL said…
dapat juga mimi akhirnya. We plan nak visit SG beramai2 but tak tahu bila
lunacy said…
oh really?? make it after raya lah or maybe end of syawal. kan best bley buat perjumpaan hari raya huhu.. ramai2 tu sape? exciting nyerrr!!
Anonymous said…
lun, you bungkus MYR baik2, then courier or registered mail to cekya?

you think they scanned document/mails send by us tak. heheh

wah, perjumpaan raya..sounds gempak!
I_mshe said…
Si ligo nie macam idea ade tau.. kalau part doing things differently tanyalah si ligo. Otak dia bagus.

Neway I MAY go to KL in Ramadhan. Belum confirm kalau confirm i give u a call.

On another note - i go kl so often i might as well buy apartment kat sana eh! (berangan je.. seposen pun takde!)

I like what u said "Minah kau koyak!" aahhahahahahahahha
kekadang gitu.. koyak pun koyak lah.. dah berkenan kat hati.. ..
lunacy said…
ligo tak safe lah gitu kan? i noe a lot of maid hantar duit kat kampung cam gitu. hehehe oh yes imshe, ligo selalu come to the rescue wif ideas huhu. ok, imshe dont forget to let me know when the time come ok.

well, the thing is she's not only koyak. she's "well known" kat hyatt entah apsal my cuzen choose to turn against all of us bcos of a gurl. sad thing lah.
Yati WTL said…
i_mshe nak dtg KLin Ramadhan...sukanya.

Yalah shud beli apartment kat sini..senang sikit
lunacy said…
yati, u kan tinggal sorang .. bley crash at ur place tak? hehehe .. sadin jer eh. my cuzen is getting married in Nov @ ampang. tengok lah kalau lovey nak boleh jugak pergi sana oooohhh...

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