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national day enty

today we're having pre 42nd birthday celebration of our nation @ the panthouse. Lovey told me to wear my red top but i action wear my pink shirt yang dah lama i tak pakai instead konon nak avoid to look too ghairah by wearing red lah tu. skali tuu baju i kain cepat ronyok. Carrying kimi jer dah mula ronyok aiyooooo GERAM. Sampai rumah ibuk sempat grab baju lain .. but guess what, my mom didnt hang the baju properly bit of crumple and the tudung .. lagik ronyok GERAM. I think since morning i didnt have a purfect time. Wrong choice of baju can ruin my day i tell you.

Lunch hour tadi i bought a b'day gift for ligo. She shares the same birthday as Singapore. Just not sure if it up to her taste .. well if it doesn't, blame it on the "Day". Ok celebration starting very soon. Im suppose to go up to the panthouse so why am i still blogging??? Sebab kalau ada celebration macam gini everyone (read: the malays) would like to look and compare. Which means the next perbualan would be something like: eh u put on weight eh? itu tak pe tapi yg buat berdesing telinga bila orang kata: eh u ngandung lagik ke? hmmmm ada pulak satu security kat sini tak abis-abis bukak kan pintu (read: turnstile) bila dia nampak i nak jalan. Pedup mak!!! Ok apa lagik, i baru perasan this crumple shirt nyer tangan kecik sikit so bila nak ambik wuduk tak leh seng-seng tangan kene bukak baju ish!!! GERAM!!

so tak pelah today i rasa sungguh tak presentable aka tak senonoh! this year i shall give the celebration a miss. Anyway i got no kaki lah. I used to go wif shanti and she used to love the part when the kinderland kids perform. ME? errr hehehe. No chance to pose picture wif SM also .. alah tak pe lah. Tak dapat nyanyi Majulah Singapura and re-new my pledge pun tak pe lah.

Btw every year terasa sanyup bila nyanyi national anthem ramai2. Mungkin macam mana strict dan mahal keadaan kat sini, ini lah yg aku ada. Kampung halaman. Biarlah hujan batu kat sini, Insyallah aku tetap tabah .. lastly, i would still pray for the goodness of the nation cos this is the place i know is HOME.


Shanti said…

Guess I must have thot' about the celebration too..that's why I suddenly remember to view your blog. Dun worry about the surrounding. U are always beautiful so long the beauty lies within the heart. You are happy and why worry and allow people to compare!! Go and enjoy urself...isn't Anna going?? Happy Birthday to Singapore too...
lunacy said…
Anna received her 25 yrs award so she got a seat for herself. You noe lah the last time i tag wif u and eat wif u or among the indian hehehe.. i bit "pening" looking at some pple lah. so best avoid :)

yeah even when i feel beautiful i still concious abt my baju hehe..
Shanti said…
You never change...the same vain pot friend...nevermind. There is one vainpot here too. I building up my friendship here. We have weekly diet lunch. Just like what we had in MAS...tuna day. Today, one of the prof join us. It was fun where she shared her stories in Duke. Hopefully there bunch of pple dun leave. So, wen are you coming over for lunch??
Yati WTL said…
happy 42nd Merdeka..

agree with shanti..u r beautiful especially in our eyes. So don't worry
Anonymous said…
hey are you?
suka baca entry you juggle with kids and housework tu. makes me wanna have my own flat. hehehe
jimi said…
Happy Independence Day, kak Lun
lunacy said…
shanti, hv to wait for payday k. overspent already.. budget dah lari!!

wtl, thanks for the wish.. hehehe not as beautiful as we see u..penyabar & ceria jer selalu.

cekya, having ur own flat blum cukup lagik mesti nak have ur own family hah!! baru mencabar tahap maksima!!

jimi, thanks bro :)

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