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ol time sake

this morning, i stumble into my old time favourite songs. Songs by the band
Junction. Ofcourse i could hear jun commented that i love this "rock kencing
manis" band and i didnt utter a word of protest. Just leave me alone enjoying
Hatta's voice, let me relek one corner and do my maths while listening to the
song. Let me do my Nahu, Geog or History notes listening to those rock kapak
songs for a change. I need to keep up with the malay music industry!! hahaha ..
There are few songs that i loves from Junction and Demi Cinta was one of them.
Up till today i couldnt really tell whether i got hook up with the
songs/voice/band?. Even this morning, i started to smile again .. thinking of my
craziness ova the song *berhantu!!*. The fact remained that Hatta voice was not
that great at all but it got me to a malencholy mood. Maybe that was what it

And so after so many years the lyrics still fresh in my mind .. korang
pernah dengar tak lagu nih?


Anonymous said…


The other one, can't remember the band or the title, that I still sing every year is "Oh, kekasih hatiku selamanya, keindahan maya itu milik kita..."


Used to sing "Demi Cinta" sampai nangis-nangis for Uji... LOLOLOL!!! When I lose her as "kakak" angkat... funny, ah, zaman mode-mode ni! Coz that's when you learn erti kasih sayang sahabat sejati...
When you're young, you love your frens like it's gonna be forever and when you lose, it feels like you'll never love forever and ever and ever... lol... We now know, when we lose love, we find it again and again and again... :))) In different forms, at different times... *wistful but sweetlonging sigh*...
Love is such a beautiful gift from Allah, alhamdulillah... :)

BEST betul bila mengenang zaman merepeks tuh!!! lol!


lunacy said…
the dreamer???!! for real ke nih? Ya Allah.. i thot i jer yg suka lagu lembik2 si junction nih. the other song is from May - cintamu mekar di hati. hey ya hor.. u buat i teringatkan buku lagu2 rock i tuu hehehe.. bley pass around lagik kan? such a wonderful time kan masa tu. Kepala penuh dgn hadith, tafsir, tauhid, faqh, quran dan lagu-lagu hehehe... tu blum masuk akedemik subjek lagik kan?

hahaha u sure had a gud time listening to the song kan? hehehe

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