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Well wishes in the history ..

Happy Brithday to :
1870 Maria Montessori - Italian Educator
1949 Richard Gere
1970 Debbie Gibson
1972 Chris Tucker
1957 Malaysia - The Federation of Malaya gains its independence from the United Kingdom.

Death of :

1997 Diana, Princess of Wales die in a car crash in Paris
1056 - Byzantine Empress Theodora becomes ill, dying suddenly a few days later, without children to succeed the throne, ending the Macedonian dynasty.

err by the way i shared my birthday with one great women, the late Mother Theressa. Oh she was a virgo ..

Happy Teachers' Day to all Teachers in the world
... dibdib must be having a great time partying hehe ...


Anonymous said…

since I've been teaching the last couple of months, I must say "Thank you for the wishes!" =D

I've also discovered that Teachers' Day is celebrated on the 1st of September, only for Singapore, lol...
Other countries have different dates for Teachers' Day...
Boring, kan? It's just celebrated locally, instead of internationally...

lunacy said…
oh no problem hehehe..

before this u dono meh? but like u said 'boring kan?' so i dun care and wish to all instead. actually ingat nak hantar bunga kat skolah but maybe next yer jer lah.
Anonymous said…

entahlah, when I discovered it but this year, I really feel it :p

Hantar lah :)
That'll be nice :)))

Okay. That's it with "Lelaki Ini"!
I want lelaki itu!!!
(muzik arrangement dia weak sikit but nasib baik yang nyanyi tu Anuar Zain...)

she-blocks said…
thanx for the wishes,'s been good 50 yrs...:)
Anonymous said…
hi lun,awak pun minat anuar zain? lagu baru nie...saya baru dgr kat radio awak dah download...guess u beat me lah...
Shanti said…
Gud morning, didn't hear you that well on the phone..did you wish me "Happy Teacher's Day".Btw, did you go into Vesshnu blog. Have a look at the little scientist..
lunacy said…
cekya, no problem dearie ..
naj, both me and husband suka nuar hehe. enjoy the song k:)

shanti, oh i wish happy merdeka lah.. just start work today pm. will check later k
Anonymous said…

This song makes me want to go karaoke and start belting out, "Wanita Ini yang selalu menyinTAAAimu... selAAAlu..."


Tapi sayang, my "mu" tak paham bahasa Melayu :p

lunacy said…
kalau "moooo" mungkin ur "mu" akan paham eh? hehehe juz nak merepek gitu..
Anonymous said…

ada banyak bunyi lain jugak yang bleh memikat dia, heh ;D

neway, lupelah, for z malaysian frens yang blum tengok Pak Samad Said's ad on TV for Perodua for your Independence Day...
I've put it up on my rarely-updated serious blog as ketuaselam:


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