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hari-hari di hari raya

duet raya

the things abt raya
Alkisah ..

1 hari di hari raya .. semuanya berjalan tak mengikut plan, tak menigkut protocol. berhari raya sambil mengelak kan diri dari bertemu mesra dgn kluarga yg ku rasa tak begitu ikhlas bila bersua. Tapi tertanya jugak dlm hati .. mungkin mereka pun bertanggapan yg sama?? ish!

2 hari di hari raya .. sempat cover 6 rumah sajer. 2 di woodlands, 2 di hougang dan 2 di aljunied. hehehe coincident kan? lucky number no.2

3 hari di hari raya .. badan penat tak larat nak bangun pagi masuk opis ah! cuti lah. ayah & ibu datang bertandang di ikuti dgn sanak saudara yg lain. Mlm sempat plak tuu cover lagi 3 rumah.

4 hari di hari raya .. sakit seluruh badan. adoooiii can't lift my arm. Call ofis to say im going to see doctor. Satu hari kat rumah, cuci baju, ajar adib dll. House tutup cos tuan rumah nak rest!!

5 hari di hari raya .. sampai ofis excited lah cos dah lama tak masuk office. Dapat tahu bergolakkan ofis WTL. Dapat tahu anak2 cik Naj kene chicken pox. Dapat tahu tentang awan dan "pergolas"nyer. Dapat lunch dgn Ligo dannnnn .. baru jer tadi i terslipped and selamat Ligo save me from falling. Kalau tak... mc lagik kot... Thanks Ligo, hopefully ur muscle tak strained eh hehehe...

adooooiiii sakit lah kaki...


Anonymous said…
haiyohhhh clumsy mummyyy....cemana leh slipped. seb baik ada super ligo. enough la cekya sorang clumsy. hahahah...
Anonymous said…
wah..nasib baik cekya, dah biasa angkat weight at gym, if not, sure tersungkur sama with Lun..


Kesian Lun...kaki sakit and anjat..
Yati WTL said…
aiyo...better be careful lun.

rasa dulu pun pernah blog abt jatuh..
lunacy said…
cekya, bz berbual sambil jalan tu lah padahnya.

super ligo, kalau u jatuh together ngan i, confirm hari ni dua-dua tekan mc hehehe

wtl, yes!! u remembered?? .. 2 yrs ago time jln raya hehehe..
Anonymous said…

nak tengok gambar kimi pakai baju merah tu besar sikit! kiutlah!

Syafakillah, insyaallah...

Shanti said…
Forever my friend...always slipping away..hehehe. Anyway, u look good in purple :-) and Mr Taha suddenly looking more older..oops..more matured. Adib is really!! And the little one, got attitude...what a look!! Have Fun!!
lunacy said…
the dreamer, tak de kot gambar yg close up .. itu baju adib yg kimi pakai.. dah bley rolling guud time:)

oh yes!! u shld knoe better..i HAVE to look gud in that purple baju considering the $$ i paid for it!! *ops*
Anonymous said…
kimi pakai songkok nak tutup mata...hahahha comellllll!!
lunacy said…
cekya, kimi tu ala ala sudin dlm seniman bujang lapuk la tuu

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