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one weird dream to another

black magicAlkisahnya ..

Sekali lagi aku berMIMPI. Kali ni waktu aku kluar dari bilik along my living room to my kitchen, there were groups of people sat on the floor preparing for some ritual. Ada seorang perempuan indian (mungkin) sedang hidupkan api for some ritual?? another group of 2 indian men memakai kain putih tanpa baju, rambut kerenting freazy with coconuts and some leaves and another one more group in the kitchen. In my heart berkata jugak 'sape bagi diorang masuk? wait till lovey nampak ni smua baru diorang tahu .." aku pelik kerana jln dari bilik ke dapur ramai benar orang .. alarm clock bunyi. Opened my eyes, time checked 6.30am.

kenapa eh, tiap subuh mimpi gini? hati cam rasa tak bagus lah. Last week waktu bersalaman dgn seorang nenek .. dia pandang muka aku sambil berkata 'panas tangan kau'. Aku dgn selamba kata ' memang cam tu wak, normal'. Waktu bersalaman sebelum pulang dia sebut lagi tentang tangan aku yg panas.. katanya "tangan panas syaitan tak 'rhoyan' " err something good, perhaps?

Had lunch with Shanti today. It was lovely, didnt bring any camera tho. The last time she posted picture of us in her blog, a fren of her called her up and got quite upsat. The fren said "why must your best fren be a malay?" aik?!!


Aliff Danial said…
akhirnya dapatlah saya ucapkan selamat hari raya kepada kak lun dan teman-teman di sini.
Sebelum hari raya hari tu, sibuk sangat...tak sempat nak jengah internet.
Balik kampung of course takde intenet.
hari ni baru masuk ofis...
dekat dua minggu amik cuti...hahaha cuti sakan. ye laa sambil2 tu curik bertunang...

Anonymous said…
hmm.. seram sejuk plak baca entry ni. must have something to do with ur suppressed thoughts and emotions. look, it might be the signs of.. i dont know.. that's for all of us to find out hehe
lunacy said…

Dzue!! tahniah, orang sibuk beraya dia sibuk bertunang ye :)
Alhamdulilah, semoga jodoh berpanjangan.
so who's the lucky girl?

cekmi, the sign of what? spill jer lah..
Anonymous said…
malam ku bermimpi
hai lihat satu bintang
berkata kata ku di jendela..

hahahha...teringat lagu lama, hail amir & uji rashid pulak..

and lun, that group gathering macam scene orang nak kawin. jadi..agak nanti ada wedding yang sibuk you nak gotong royong. jadi siap badan je + panadol..hheehh
Anonymous said…
and to dzue, congrats!! eeeishh..sejak dah kawin ni, suka attend wedding ;-0 *tebiat kan*

tangkap feeling lah, teringat my own nikah/sanding...heheh

and I have 1 wedding to attend this weekend! to get new baju kurung?
lunacy said…
aiyoo yooo ligo, its more like diorang nak buat secrifices lah.. ngeri scene i tell you.

eh eh awak ni, sampai nak beli baju baru??
jimi said…
kalau lah kita ada ilmu menafsir mimpi kan?
Anonymous said…

ni, mesti tido tak cuci kaki, tau!

Anyway, seriously, you ada baca do'a-doa sebelum tidur, tak?
Plus, I always tell this to my adik frenchie, coz, dia selalu mimpi-mimpi, look around you and see if there's anything that you're doing that's going against Islam, your conscience, etc...


Anonymous said…

oh, and try wudu' before tido, too...
see if you still have the dreams...
lunacy said…
jimi, tu dah jadi case nujum bak plalang kan?

thedreamer lepas solat isyak, i tidurkan budak2 lepas tuu i pun tidurlah.

entahlah.. why ritual and indian related? there's tis person i know likes to play wif black magic but am not a threat so im not pointing fingers but has to be careful.. Insyallah. Bila balik mlm near to midnite we all will recite all those doas Insyallah.
Anonymous said…
hmm mimpi ye? cekya pun mimpi tak elok. dah 2 kali. mimpi berkenaan benda yang sama...and it's bugging me. *sigh*

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