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I met Naj yesterday @ a wedding. Funnily, we didnt talk much just smile the whole time we saw each other. It shouldnt be that way since she read my blog and knew more of what went around my brain than my family. Hehehe or maybe i was not being Lunacy : )

Its been 19 days now mak andak being hospitalised. Saw her during hari raya, we dinch realised that she was sick. Theres tumour in her stomach. Its cancerous. Doc is not gonna removed the tumour as it has spread, so its chemo and medication for her. I dunno how would i react if i only hv 6mths to live. Stay strong Mak Andak .. ur a great reminded of my late nenek.

takuya & me

few times i walked passby kino and saw him standing there looking out of the glass window. I've decided to post a pic with him.

That was Takuya Kimura. It doesnt matter whether he's good looking or not. I lurve him the way i lurve Annuar zain. Its not just pretty faces but talent lah. Dont forget my true love still goes to lovey. Anyway, no need to tell me that you watch Takuya last nite on tv and he "tak handsome pun". No need to say i got birds eyes and you got human eyes lah. Entertainment is for fun!!

so what do you expect me to say in return?
a smile will do : )


Anonymous said…
hehehe...funny tot that way the car was thinking why didn't i talk to her more..maybe was down with flu plus mcm ramai orang-orang kat keliling....anyway, regret not talking to you time, will be a better time insyaallah
Anonymous said…
Sapa yg cakap Takuya tu tak hensem. Your hubby ke?hehehe
lunacy said…
naj, yeah maybe next time. by the way u looking good. slim riverrr seyyy..

some pompanS kat office lah jimi .. tak pe lah. nuar pun dia kata tak hensom. siti pun dia kata tak cantik. so i think dia nyer taste ada wrong skit hehehe
Yati WTL said…
takuya tu handsome. i suka. u pernah tgk certia beautiful life tak?

i like ur baju...lawa betul
lunacy said…
merata alam orang tahu kimura tu hensome cuma orang yg tak patut jer say oth wise kan?

u like? its from persian. Baju ni dtg dari Iran tau. come lah kita shopping. they having sale tau. beli 3 dapat 1 free = $207! lebih kurang $5o satu baju?
Anonymous said…

HEY. I thought urs is Yutaka Takenouchi???
The girlish Takuya Kimura is mine dari zaman Love Generation dolu-dolu... :p
(zaman kita giler J-drama dulu, lolol...)

Okie. One more thing. Mana sale tu... Nak pegi!!!
Pengarang yang pengarang jantung ramai tu nak datang singapor disember ni!

Anonymous said…

btw, lovey tak payah nak jeles pape, seyyy...
Dia kan Yamaguchi Kekasih Hati Lunacy ;D

Anonymous said…
Hehehe,slim eh? tak lama lagi naik lah.U looked very radiant, nampak secucuk dengan Taha..
lunacy said…
eh mana gi comment i letak pagi tadi?? btw wtl, yes i watched beautiful life and i nangis non stop hehehe..

the dreamer, oh he's coming? ok great gie Persian kat Joo Chita Complex tingkat 3, 2 stores after Bimla. Hey, yutaka dah senyap daa and im still a great fan of J dorama!!

hehehe oh yes he's Yamaguchi-san, haik!

naj, radiant ke? hehe oh kita dua sama tembam apa tak cucuk hehehe
Yati WTL said…
Joo Chita Complex..kat mana tu?
lunacy said…
kha kah kah... Joo Chiat daaa zaaaappp!! i kene spot ;)
Anonymous said…

Yah, he's coming for Singapore's Writers' Festival this year :)

I lent my students his novels... They loved the love story one - dasar anak remaja! lol! - called "Tunggu Teduh Dulu"...
I couldn't finish the novel coz it's sooo, sooo sweet, my heart aches... I pon nak the perfect wedding, kawen kat makkah, honeymoon depan ka'abah, yang macam dalam novel tu...(beranganlah dulu...)

My students sekarang ni tak sabar nak jumpe and amik gambar dengan dia! I kasi long list of do's and don'ts... Kenalah jaga diri depan Ustaz tu...


Yati WTL said…
hihihi..i kenal chita sorang je.

patut mcm pelik je bunyi nya
Anonymous said…
d blouse looks soo much better wif d matchin pants coz the 1st time i saw u wearin it wif jeans, well it doesnt got into my taste. Sori got to comment.

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