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the preparation ..

For a first timer like lovey & me this whole test for adib meant a great deal. Alhamdulilah adib been in his "bestest" behavior, eagerly reciting his muqaddam and doa and reading his Aa, ba, ta.

According to Adib's teacher, he would be the only student registering for Madrasah education. The rest of adib's classmates opted for gomen school.. Thanks to the teachers, cikgu & mudhirah, we shall all work together, Insyallah.
Alhamdulilah for His kindness .. we continuesly seeking His guidence and help.

am sure other parents aren't this kecoh abt their children P1 registration but what to do .. caring is sharing kan?? So i would be sharing with you what i managed to jot down from last saturday P1 briefing. Let me know what u think k.

Oral: English, Malay & Arabic

read 4-5 lines
Conversation: based on picture given

Arabic:Qiraati jilid 2
Surah 1-14
daily doas

Written: English

Fill in the blanks wif correct
match words with pictures
letters / alphabets recognition
close passage

WrittenL Malay
Match Warna
2 suku kata - lihat
gambar dgn suku kata yg betul
lengkapkan suku kata
.. im lost .. tak
sempat nak jot down

Written: Maths
counting 1-20
number order (big to small and what comes next)
comparing numbers (circle the smallest no. etc)
addition and subtraction
(1 to 10)

Written: Arabic
letter recognition :
huruf ijaiyah
arabic numbers 1 - 10
simple arabic words (colours, body
parts, animals, plants)
sambungkan huruf2 ijaiya

what do you think of a P1 kid going thru such a system??
seriously, we've no choice, the madrasah here are under close watch of gomen, if madrasahs students didnt do well they could be force to shutdown.
The kids need to do well for their P6 exam so only those who are ready shld be in Madrasah system (and so they said).

What do you think after reading the requirement?? esp our Cikgu Jimi and Sir Cekmi ...


jimi said…
Kak Lun, pertama-tamanya, Madrasah school tu Sek Agama lah ya(here in Msia)?Baguslah kak Lun hantar sekolah agama, since i myself a product of such school. I know Arabic, English skit skit, and thats why i think (agaknya la)- i think differently la.

Kids ahould be able to master languages. Itu sahaja input yang paling POWER, the rest,paling penting jugak kita kena jadikan adab dan jati diri tu yang paling penting.

There was this student, who scored 21 A, recently interviewed, am impressed with his statement. Tetapi, pabila ditemubual ibunya, she said

" Kalau anak saya nak jadi doktor ke apa ke, itu cita-cita dia, kita sokong apa sahaja, yang penting dia mendapat keredhaan Allah hidup dia diberkati"

Saya berasa terharu dan bangga, ada juga parents yang tahu mana intan atau kaca.

Whatever it is, like i said, teach him how to be a good person. Nanti beruntung dan bertuah dia. Always remember, kid still a kid, let him play and fool around sometimes.

We used to be kids,kan? he has so much bright future ahead. Let him decide what he want to be one day.Mintak-minta dijauhkan dari menjadi yang tak elok.

Kak Lun, i always ask my pupils what they really want. Ask them, listen them, nowadays, parents and adults think kids are kids without feelings.Listen to them,even though they are silly sometimes.

i hope im not "merepek sendiri". i think u know ur self kan.u always a good mother, a good friend and a good sister to me.

p/s always keep their memories intact, i have a friend who is a mother of two kids who keep her kid's drawings, etc and make them scrapbooks, and bind them beautifully. And, after all the years, bila dah besar, such sentimental feelings having gone trough all those scrapbooks.U knowlah kan, they growing up so fast.

wah, panjangnya menulis.huhuhu.
lunacy said…
woish! thanks for the long comments Jimi. oh u a product of Sek Agama yek?? hmm samalah kita and few others yg ada kat sini jugak *high 5*

thanks for sharing too .. me and lovey always pray that we can give the best to our kids, dunia wa ahirat. Insyallah.
The 6 of Us said…
Masha Allah, intensifnya the entry test. My niece ada juga go thru' it 2 years ago, her parents ingat nak cuba masukkan Ma'arif. Tapi malangnya (although she's a very bright girl having been in nursery/presch since 18 mths old since mom is a childcare teacher and so she actually knew almost all the answers having had intensive prep beforehand!) dia kena "stage fright", terus beku langsung tak boleh jawab the written part, the oral was fine. The problem was because she had never undergone any real written exams before, the preschool education system in S'pore now does not have any periodic exams, so some kids nowadays can be quite shocked when they are first time tested esp. upon entering pri 1. So maybe you might want to do some mock timed exams at home beforehand (if you're not doing this already)?

Hmmm, don't know how my kids will fare though esp. since being schooled overseas, sekarang je dah cakap Bahasa Melayu dgn kiwi slang, hahaha, susah juga nanti ni kalau fikirkan. Tapi takpelah will just let them be kids for now and enjoy their childhood while they can.
Shanti said…
No worries...always stay focused and with faith. Put in the best and don't get too stressed. When you are stressed too much, you tend to lose focus and hope. One thing, believe that Adib can do it, it's nothing so great. With this attitude anything is achieveable. Finally, if he does get through it, nevermind. Take it God has his destined it somewhere better for him. We can't decide's not within our will but the faith is my dear....cheer up lady!!!
lunacy said…
Rahmah, i think ni semua nasib lah eh we just try our best. btw, ur cuzen fiza also planning to enrol her son, ilham to Irsyad. But last sat ilham used the toilet in irsyad(o'ld building) and he said got 'hantu'. now dia tak mau sekolah madrasah ;) tho fizah told him next yr they will use the new building.

shanti, thanks for the encouragement. sorry for postponing our 'date'
Anonymous said…
salam semua, wow belum lagi mula sekolah,testnya dah mcm nak masuk exam. Dont worry so much dear. If u hv guided Adib, insya Allah he can do it. Just to share some tips to avoid 'stage fright'. It is very important to 'preframe' yr child. Explain to him that it is important for him to go thru this test for him to be in school, but do not pressure him. Alamak complicated ye nak explain. k,lah i just share my experience hving go thru the same process. All my kids kat melbourne sini go to Islamic school. Since the space are very limited, so this school do filteration too. NOT to assess whether the kids are smart but only to know if they are READY to be in school. The toughest part is the parents' interview. Both mum and dad will be interviewed separately and their answer will be assessed. The school wants to know how serious the parents want their kids to be in this islamic school. Ok, go back abt my kids, they too hv to be assessed with simple knowledge that they biggest challege is that all my kids semuanya macam Koala bear, melekat kat i, tak nak orng lain and berat mulut. So what me and my hubby did before the test, we preframed them in the sense that if they want to go to school,they have to answer what the teacher gonna ask them, and do what they were asked to do during the test nanti. If they do that, the teacher will give them rewards and they will hv a lot of friends and after the test we will go to shopping market to get some candies (yg ini umpanlah).We talked to them again n agn, days before the test date.Alhamdulillah they managed to go thru the test successfully. So far I've went thru this process dah 3 kali, from the eldest sampailah yang number 3. Tinggal my yougest one Asad. Tak tau pulak nasib dia. Every year the parents interview are getting tougher...akulah yang nervous kodok bila my children want to be in primary school.
Anonymous said…
Slm to Rahmah frm kak Jun. Tak sangka kita berjiran. Kalau naik tongkang dah boleh sampai sini tau. I always talked to my children malay at home so kadang2 tu english dorang keluar telor jawa (me and my hubby jawaness..hehe) It's good that you keep your children with bahasa melayu.takpelah sounds like kiwis pun here, all Ozies the mat salleh, loved other languages especially Bahasa indonesia and chinese.
lunacy said…, thanks so much for the tips. yes, next week parents pun kene interview jugak dono saperately or together2. seerraamm.. oh btw, lin just sms. dia kata dia sefamily baru sihat semuanya ;)
Anonymous said…
Salam kak.Having my break from study lah.anyway i know the test banyak lil bro went through it also last 2 years.dorang conduct this kinda test cos they want to seperate the clever kids and the slow kids so they can give extra attention for the slower kids.but tht one is for not sure about irsyad cos they always change their systems to suit the criteria.but honestly i do have faith in Adib tht he will get through the entry test even though we've never met before. lol ure not the only mum yang kecoh with the registration. my mum was also super kecoh too when it comes to my lil bro even tho my siblings and i went to madrasah. so it's normal to be kancong k ;)

i also agree with the rest of sisters and bro. You should have faith in Adib and believe that he can do it. Dont be overstressed k takut nanti dia gabrah pulak and the stress might effect ur health also.

Lol yea the current Irsyad's building got a lot of stories lah regarding the supernaturals cos the buildings are super old but they're moving to new building soon.but anyway dont let those stories overpower u cos this kinda thing if u keep on thinking bout it, it will become true.just tawakkal kepada Allah k.

Anyway nie semua adalah dugaan dan cabaran daripada Allah dan nie baru permulaannya.Madrasah students are special kids cos Allah yang pilih. If Adib is one of the chosen kids, Inshallah he will go to madrasah by hook or by crook. Just prepare him the best u can and leave the rest to Allah k. anyway if u need to ask about anything regarding this, feel free to ask me k cos i can contact and ask my teachers at Irsyad since im still in Singapore or can ask my mom since my lil bro also just went through all this thing cos die baru primary 2.

Best of luck ya Sis!
lunacy said…
ralat: i thot fiza is rahmah's cuzen now i remembered, fiza tu cuzennya sharmila laa *confuse mak*

dearie Siti, thanks so much .. im gonna cut and paste what u wrote bagi my husband baca hehehe
Anonymous said…
whoa. what a ribut way of enrolling a kid into a religious institution is sg. it is a wonder tt "madrasah", as u call it there, is surviving in ever "unreligious" sg. isnt it against the current? it must be tough for parents having to deal with this matter.

in kelantan, the space is unlimited so there is no such thing as entrance exam. but when i joined religious secondary school in ktan, i managed to skip a so-called "transition" class, the class u have to spend for a year if u do not meet certain requirements. lucky me hehe.

wishing u the best for adib's test.
lunacy said…
ah! Ribut oh yes!! sungguh meributkan i tell you. These days we don't watch tv that much too..except for Survivor Macronesia hihihi..
hmm againts the current cekmi? tak jugak lah we just superior in certain way .. being modern but still terapkan tarbiah anak2 the islamic way :)

hopefully, budak2 lain dpt rasakan how lucky they are enrolling to "sekolah agama" without any keributan ;p

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