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JANGAN: berhenti berharap

and so the story goes like this ..

the results had not reached our mail-box so this morning, i called up the school to enquire. Sadly, Adib didn;t make it. He scored less than 50%. He did 49.2% .. it was closed! Since they have not reached the Quota, we were told to appeal. Obviously, after receiving the news, i called up lovey and told him the story .. oh by then i cud hardly talk. Sebak ova .. erm.. u noe..

i emailed my sis and sms few pple for encouragement including the two Tchers & bloggers: Hilmi and Jimi.

After that we started to work on the letter. Lovey needs to run some errand for his daddy and i told him dun worry i tried to come out wif something. So i turned to Adek and Kiki for help. Wah! kiki turned adek's not so appealing letter into a very chim one ..

Near to 1pm, ive emailed the letter to the school. Print a copy and rush to Irsyad. Oh yeap! kiasu crazy orang singapura kan? but need to be efficient in case its a case of "1st come 1st serves" .. so they said we have to wait to the appt date. They would contact us .. hmm pls dun send letters ya.. takut tak/lambat sampai!!

we got to see the breakdown of adib's test:

adib score: 49.2%
maths: 86. something
arabic: 78. something
doa: A
surah: A
english: 18.something
malay: 14.something ..

hairan.. apa yg dia scribble for his english and malay humppp


jimi said…
Pertamanya, am surprised how singaporeans reacted to this, hmmm kalaulah kat malaysia macam ni. kat my school majority, parents could not be bother, bukan setakat tu saje, siap marahkan cikgu sbb banyak activities kat sekolah. now, u tell me kan!

kak lun, belajar language ni mesti start from kids kalau nak senang. mostly male gender really good in math (not me lah kan), so thats self explainatory. nevertheless, he is still like a good sponge, he can absorb many things. especially languages.

i hope, whatever it is, he will be accepted, and please, he just a kid. only allah knows what might be in store for him. mungkin dia jadi ulama satu hari nanti.kan, kan kan?satu pintu ditutup, seribu pintu rezeki dibuka, bukan?

maaf ya kalau cakap bebanyak.huhu.
Anonymous said…
It must be a difficult day for you, receiving such news in the midst of worries over Adib's enrolment into madrasah. It is really a big deal for singaporeans, isn't it? If only Kelantanese see this bizarre, they would be thankful a lot for the abundance of choices in their state.

Well, keep on doing the best thing for Adib. And I'll be praying for the appeal to work.
The 6 of Us said…
Whatever happens, don't give up hope k, like what Jimi says, if one door is closed today, another with untold oppotunities will open in the future.

Actually, last time when I was talking to our ex-school principal (u know who), she gave quite a good tip (for worst case scenario, if betul2 nak masuk tapi still tak dpt). She said usually a few students will drop out after P1 in madrasah (pasal tak tahan, too demanding etc, so they'll change schools), so sometimes might have a better chance for those who apply to enter P2 instead (but then susah sikitlah since P1 have to go to other/national school 1st, then have to readapt etc so not ideal/easy at all....also not sure whether this is more prevalent to Ma'arif only or the other madrasahs as well?).

Just a thought, not suggesting you do this or anything. Insha Allah your appeal will go thru', amin3 ya rabbal'alamin.
lunacy said…
Jimi & Hilmi, this is the most comman case here. even yesterday in Irsyad, we weren't the only parents there. Education is a MUST here..bley kene tangkap tau kalau tak sekolah kan anak. ever heard of such rule? and in govt skool priority is given based on few criteria. Kalau semua criteria didnt meet, then kenelah ballot;)

Jimi, i read ur comments to lovey last night :)
Hilmi, oh yeah at first; esp knowing that my 2 other colleagues' sons got in. Tapi takpe. It makes this whole thing sweater ;)

the 5 of us, yes i know.. i think it works with oth madrasah too. even my sister was previously fr other madrasah but later we transfer her to Maarif.

Insyallah, we shall not give up. Thanks for the encouragement and Doa u all.. Allah saje yg dpt membalasnya.

How i wish irsyad could at least hv an auto reply to say that they hv received my letter and in the midst of processing it.. hmm
Anonymous said…
I didnt know ada criteria nak masok P1 kat madrasah. But, why should there be criteria? Bukankah kita melentur buluh dari rebungnya? Selagi belom akil baligh, aku rasa itu masih dalam kategori budak-budak. So, kan lagi senang nak ajar. Like Jimi said, they are like sponge. Senang absorb. We should change some criteria.
lunacy said…
lis, criteria utk masuk madrasah kene go thru written/oral tests which my adib flunk *ops*

gomen dah letak quota to the number of students madrasah can accept and kalau the kids tak perform nampaknya tutup lah madrasah2 kat sini. sbb tu madrasah try to screen the kids before accepting them. tapi yg cian budak2 la.

btw lis, kalau nak baby comel baca surah yusuf .. kalau nak baby girl baca surah maryam & surah lokman pun bagui juga..
Anonymous said…

0.8% aje...
So strict diaorang tak put on waiting list pun and waiting for appeal...

InsyaAllah, peluang tu ada...

All the best :)

(If I ever do settle down, I'm thinking of homeschooling my children, heh... saves me the stress of dealing with school administration :p lol)

Anonymous said…
sorry baru bagi komen cos past few days something wrong with my internet connection.

anyway,wow so close and adib would've make it!yes i agree with the abang2 and kakak2.i know it must be hard for but be strong k and yup never give up just yet!Inshallah if it's in Allah's will, he'll get it.strangely, dunno why this year so many people apply for madrasah unlike previous year.all in all don't quit hoping k. i hope and pray tht the appeal will work. May Allah hear our prayers tht Adib will be accepted.Amin!

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