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sayang sayang..

i think im coming down wif flu. head spinning. throat iching. nose leaking.
hehehe recently a fren of mine, Ani was rushed to A&E after she took panadol bcos of her headache. It was a moment of life and death she said. Her eyes swelled, she was breathless and eyes blurred. Her husband dropped their initial plan to go clinic and straight away called the paramadeci for help. Alhamdulilah, its all due to drug allegy and nothing else. She is fine now resting at home.

I met her last saturday, she looked her usual self. That is one good news. Unlike ibuk, who is still weak. She easily tired these days. I wish ayah could be more understanding hmmm ...

i realised that kimi loves books especially on animals. But i also noticed that he got quite a bit of temper. Last few weeks, a 3 yrs old boy shouted in front of kimi's face. Kimi's immediate action was "arrrrggghhh". Yup, he actually roar like a lion as loud as he could. The boy walk away ....

Oh my, another character in progress. And i just love him and abang adib so much ...

home book


Anonymous said…
salam dari kl!hehe

awwwww ur kids are so cute lah.ur previous post when they said they had the best day tu mcm touching gilenye!

oh ya how are u?ok or not?hope ure getting better ya.dah lama tak merayap kat sini since my new sem start hehe then sometimes wireless not working lah hmpphh. nie baru second week dah banyak assignment grrrr..

anyway do take care of urself ya.hope ur mum's condition will get better k.oh ya u must drink lots of plain water cos nowadays musim sakit take care of urself a lot k!


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