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my - updates!

probably my body came to a conclusion that it could not take it anymore. First my body started to ache. i popped panadol, drank milo and out of sudden fell asleep in the middle of emailing the ladies from blogsahabats. That afternoon i felt weak and hungry .. the hungry strike like almost every hour. Lovey picked me up from office and zoom we went to fetch the kids. I rest a while in Ibuk house .. fever was 38.3. Ok, time to see doc dearest.. dun think self medication would work. Doc said my temp had shoot up to 39. Ah .. no wonder i could barely open my eyes.. with wobbly legs we went home. I was given 2 days mc to rest and take care of myself. 1st day of mc was terrible. Being sick and still hv to look after the kids was a challenged to me. My body ache so much that i could not explain it how. Stomach felt empty but everytime i forced to swallow some food, it felt so 'pedih'. On and off, i felt like throwing out. on 2nd day of mc, i surrendered. Told lovey, i could not take care of the kids .. i was so weak and sick. Imagine, in this holy month, my stomach wanted to be fed almost every hour and that followed by cherry berry. My whole body system was not working well. All bcos of me and now i suffered bcos of it!

Oh dear!! my stressful and bz life did not permit me to eat like i want to. The only time i eat like a normal human being would be when we go out to eat together. Most of the time, i wud eat a bit or nothing at all. I was too tired to eat, food did not appeal to me and kimi cries filled my mind most of the time. Yeah i know, i have to be strong for everyone. For ibuk and anak2 and my family. But when emotionally, got too affected, appetite gone down the drain and i just live on water (that if i remember to drink).

oh dearie babang just called. i got to 'hung-up' on her cos i am not so much of a 'people person' at this moment. Non-stop talking made me dizzy. Happiness sucks. Marc Jacob left me with great envy. Sad stories left me with emptiness. Sensitivity = me.

During last nite terawikh alone with the mercy from Allah, i felt His love and still do..


Anonymous said…
Hi Kak Wati

my prayers for you and family. But u must take care of urself jugak, jgn sampai tak makan...
Zekc Ahmad said…
may be kak wat kena minum susu alpha lipid colostrum .. heheheh
lunacy said…
hi shamilah, thanks.. but now puasa mth berapa banyak lah bley makan kan?

an, hmm susu apa tu? i thot u nak belikan for ur daddy??
Yati WTL said…
hugs n kisses..

take good care of urself my dear..

minum air soya 2 tin straight..utk hilangkan the acid
Mama Emmy said…
hey sista... u have to be fair to yourself and your body and your mind and your soul...

minum 100plus, it will help to rehydrate you...

read kalimullah... it will help to re-energise your soul...

eat all the love you have around you, it will strengthen your mind...

love ya sis - salam ramadhan almubarak....
Anonymous said…
salam kak lun. i hope ure feeling better now. i agree with mamaemmy tht u should drink 100 plus.

i also got minor cherry berry cos makan lauk rendang ayam yang tak dipanaskan during sahur hehe.

u take care of urself k kak.i think ure so stressed tht ur body is affected.banyak berdoa kak kepada yang Esa untuk menguatkan semangatmu.bulan ini bulan umat Islam, Inshallah doa akak akan dimakbulkan.big hugs for u.
lunacy said…
wtl, air soya 2 tin straight?? yeke ni?

kak emmy, happy belated bday eh. Tahun ni aku lupa nak wish kan kau lah kak. By the way, kau ingat tak Tuti (cuzen kak eda?) its been long aku tak jumpa dia..tup tup 2 minggu lepas kat IKEA ada pompan ni senyum2 kat aku..bila aku tanya "sorry eh, do i noe u?" dia kata "tuti laaa" haii.. cam hilang rindu kat kat eda..

siti, yes am better now dek, thanks. hehehe apsal tak panas kan lauk tu dulu?? kengkabut ke?

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