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their last words for me ..

Thanks, Ratna for coordinating all these arrangements.

All the best to you in your career.


Terima Kaseh atas undangan awak,Bagaimana pon Saya tak dapat hadir kerana bertugas malam.
Semoga di berkati untok menjadi permanent housewife.Maaf zahir & batin juga dari saya .Selamat semoga Allah & Rasullawah S.A.W. merestui awak

Sa-keluarga.Amin ya rabal alamin.


Hi Ratna

Glad you enjoyed the lunch. 
Have a great time bonding with your boys and take good care of yourself !
Shall miss your sweet smile and calm demeanour ! - Yuen Foon

You are most welcome! Do drop by for a visit esp when you need a break from your boys and need some adult conversation!

It is a worthwhile step that you are taking....i don’t think you will regret it. And your boys will benefit very much!

Take care.- Aiilena Das

Assalamualaikum Siz Ratna

Pardon me for the late reply and thanks a zillion for your kind thots in asking me to join this farewell lunch.
I would love to join but I am on study leave on that day so please excuse me.
Anyway, I wish you all the best in your new ‘position’ being a housewife. ;)
Til then, take care and salam!


Salam Ratna 

I’m happy & sad to know tt u r leaving MAS after being with us for so long. Happy coz u r able to retire early & spend lots for quality & wonderful times with ur family esp your kids 

Sad coz we’ll be missing a nice & wonderful fren like u.  I’m even more sad coz I’ll be on leave on 2 Feb & won’t be able to join u for the farewell lunch. 

Nevertheless, I wish u all the best in whatever u do & may Allah SWT bestows his blessings & lots rezki to u & family. May u & family stay healthy & happy always, insyak-Allah... Amin!
Pls stay in touch ok...yes feel free to communicate in our facebook, hehehe 

Last but not least, I mohon maaf zahir & batin jika ada terkasar bahasa atau perbuatan yg sengaja atau tak sengaja.

Bye,bye! & Wassalam!
Abang Ram(li)

No problem! Thanks for all your help running random reports from the BO, etc 

All the best! - Vvivienne

You are most welcome Ratna!:) All the best and enjoy your Tai Tai life^.^

Best Regards
Han Xue

Hi Ratna,

Kita merancang…………..Tuhan telah menentukan segala segalanya. Walaupun apa pun kita harus menghadapi cabaran hidup. Kita harus banyak bersabar dan berkorban untuk kebaikan keluarga insyallah ada hikmah dan diberkhati Allah SWT di hari hari akan datang.
Maaf abang Mus tak dapat hadir for the lunch because saya OFF duty dari pun My Dept ada Chinese New Year Lunch at Hotel.

Maafkan Abang Mus sekiranya ada terkasar atau kacau kacau semasa bekerja di MAS……jangan marah ok.

Be happy make you young……………..and younger…………………..

Wish you all the best for your future……….insyallah

Anyway anak anakkan sama sekeloh……………………kalau jumpa jangan segan nak tegur ya………..(Cuma JANGAN PANDANG BELAKANG NANTI KETINGGALAN………………..) - Abg Mus

You are most welcome We all had a great time too! Wish u all the best for future and hope you will have a great time with your family and kids


Echoing Meenal’s well wishes... thanks for your help and best wishes for all your further endeavours! – Aline


Jgn lupa kami di sini....we will miss u Ratna....Selamat menjadi Suri Rumahtangga sepenuh masa!!...he...he...he...

Bilalah kita punya Kak Jus?? – Kak Jusman & Rozi

Salam Ratna

Thanks for the invite. Feel sad that you’re leaving but at the same time I wish you all the best. I cant join the lunch as I have already applied leave for 2 and 3 Feb…niway thanks for remembering me and the invitation to get-together. InsyaAllah we’ll meet up again. Would like to take this opportunity also to mohon ma’af sekira nya ada salah silap semasa dalam percakapan and pergaulan kita …and take care ya..

- Ratnah Hamzah

Mualaikumsalam dear pn Ratnahwati yg cantek manis…hehehe.. 

Sorry I tak dapat hadhir that day…cos I will be on leave from 1-3Feb…hhmm… 

Tapi takpe la…u all go ahead & have fun!...but wont be so fun without me!...keke..haha  

Walau bagaimana pun…I doakan you happy & made the rite choice …sometimes..kita rancang.Allah yg menentukan

Segala…rite?...nvm la…pasti u will be happy…insyaAllah…suri rumah also is a job!...hehe…tanggung jawap yg berat 

But with our doa & your tawakal….insyaAllah…semua pasti ada ganjaran…& ada hikmah Nya.. Amin 

Ok…I will see you b4 u leave…insyaAllah…utk peluk cium…sob sob! …

But Im really happy for you…  

Thanks for being my sweet fren

-Norlinda M Ali

Hi! I’ve never gotten around to having a personal one-to-one with you, so ok insyaAllah I’ll see you on the 2nd. How old are your kids?

-Siti Alia Mattar (Ms)

Thanks Ratna! I hope you will be enjoying your new lifestyle! Do come back to visit us (like Poh Swan). I will be missing you. – Lu Xin

Glad you enjoyed our company and friendship. We’ll miss you too! I will definitely miss your sweet smile, Ratna. If you happen to come by our area, we can arrange lunch with you. – Caroline Leow


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